Tag Archives: be seen

Turn It Up Tuesday – #51

Welcome to the 51st week of Turn It Up Tuesday!

Hi Readers!! I hope you all had a great weekend. I’m super excited that it’s Monday again because that means it’s time for you to link up all of your best posts from the last week, and that I get to read them all. I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with!!

September is a big month for us at Turn It Up Tuesday – this is our 1-year anniversary!! It has been an amazing year – and we look forward to many more to come!

Also, September is Self-Improvement month! So this week’s topic will be focused on tips – tips to help yourself and tips to help others. Share posts about a time where you did something for yourself or others, or share tips for new parents, or potty training tips – anything at all! We love reading all of your amazing posts every week!

We had so many amazing Thanks so much to everyone that joins us each week and makes this blog hop the best that it could be!

As you may know, Turn It Up Tuesdays is all about being happy, excited, energetic…and having fun! Link up your favorite posts (old or new) and meet some awesome bloggers in return! Link up your funny stories, DIY posts, recipes, mommy moments — anything at all, as long as it is family-friendly. We want to laugh, be entertained, be inspired, and have a good time!


Tara from Anything and Everything


“Welcome to Anything and Everything! I am a wife to an incredible and talented graphic designer, a mom to a new baby boy, and to another baby of the four-legged variety. Here you will find everything ranging from DIY projects, food and drinks, kids stuff, and anything in between. With my zest for life and my husbands passion for design, we are never at a loss for unique and entertaining ideas. I try to update this blog as often as possible, so be sure to visit often for more adventures! Sit back, relax, grab a beverage, take a look around and enjoy!”

Stop by and check out her blog…it’s definitely a great read!

Are you interested in having your blog or website featured in this spot? Then, sponsor Turn It Up Tuesday for a month! Click here! It’s only $5 for an entire month!
We’re accepting sponsors for 2015!

Welcome the lovely ladies of Turn It Up Tuesday!


(from the top – left to right)

Natasha from Epic Mommy Adventures | Stacey from This Momma’s Ramblings | Jessica from The Wondering Brain | Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise | April from 100lb Countdown | Tara from Anything & Everything | Kae from Where’s My Pacifier? | Kelly from Making-More | Rachel from Craving Some Creativity | Cindy from Mom Maven | Kimberly from Keystrokes by Kimberly| Rhonda from Mother 2 Mother | Jillian from Baby Doodah | Chelsea from Mommie and Wee | Tenns from New Mama Diaries

And welcome our awesome guest hosts for September!


(from the top – left to right)

Elie from Chocolate and Crockpots | Becky from bybmg | Cathy from Three Kids and a Fish | Lauren from Life In The Wilde | Mari from Living in Mommywood | Meghan from Life with Peanut | Yolanda from That’s Mashed Up | Melissa from The Coupon Chronicles | Michelle from Failing Perfect | Mila from Mila’s Little Things

Interested in being a guest host or becoming a permanent co-host?

Complete the form here! Monthly co-hosts will be chosen on a first come first-serve basis. We’re now accepting guest hosts for October, November and December.

Here are the Featured posts from last week!


Yolanda chose DIY Jake and the Neverland Pirates Costume from Desert Chica. “I picked this post because I am NOT crafty but I LOVE dressing up. I really wish I was, and I really wish I knew how to sew. However, until I get better it, I still want my son to get to dress up and pretend. This post shows a super simple way to make a Jake costume! And I mean simple, with great pictures and easy instructions. Plus it’s upcycling–and I’m all about finding new uses for old things!”


Kelly chose 3 Ingredient Fruit Leather from A Mom’s Take. “I love healthy snacks for the kids’ lunches and I love making our own so there are no mystery ingredients!”


Meghan chose What I wish I would have known about body image from Ripped Jeans & Bifocals. “I chose this one because it is something that I think every woman goes through, and sometimes during multiple periods in their life. I am currently having trouble with my body image (and in fact blogged about it last week). The most important thing is that we learn to love ourselves.”

Celebration-Lunchbox-IdeasCathy chose 5 Fun Celebration Lunch Ideas for Kids from A Mom’s Take. “Janel over at A Mom’s Take created these amazing celebration lunch ideas! My kids went back to school this week and I am always thinking of cool, creative but good for you lunches to pack and I will absolutely be giving Janel’s ideas a try!”


Mila chose Twix Cookies Recipe from Living Frugal with Erika. “I am in love with everything that involves twix! This is fairly easy recipe and you can involve kids in the process of making these yummy cookies (just like Erika did). Have fun!”

reading quote

Becky chose Encouraging Your Early Readers from Blethering Boys. “I chose this because as a teacher and parent, these are fabulous tips!”

what i say vs

Mari chose What I say vs what I want to say from Just a Touch of Crazy. “I picked Leilani because I believe all parents and people in general struggle with what to say vs what we want to say. Some topics may be easier than others, even funnier than others but in the end the words we choose carry a lot of weight. I appreciated that Leilani was honest in stating she sometimes wants to resort to childish behavior at level of her kids, that sometimes though she may know better the choice is poor but that she accepts she is a work in progress and as time passes she will get better. I loved her humor and her honesty. It was relatable and fun read.”


Stacey chose Yummy Homemade Graham Cracker S’mores from Mommy Crusader and Her Knights and Ladies. “We are a family that loves to make s’mores, in the summer time, over an open fire. However with winter fast approaching this would be a great winter treat that I know the kids would enjoy! Thank you so much for sharing!”


Jessica chose 10 Websites to Help You Become an Extreme Couponer from Krafty Cards etc. “I’ve always wanted to try this too. I’m in the same boat in which we have one grocery store that monopolizes the city. However, coupons are always cool! I look at it as free money. I’ll have to check out these websites just to see if there is another way around it in my city so I can save! save! save!”


Chelsea chose Luscious Banana Pecan Cake with Caramel Frosting from Bunny’s Warm Oven. “This cake looked so yummy. It actually reminded me of Hummingbird cake, which is one of my favorites! I will definitely be giving this recipe a try!”


Rachel chose Oh Deer! String Art from Curly Crafty Mom. “I chose this post because I love the whimsy and am amazed at how detailed, yet simple this project is! I so want to create a string art project and this one is inspiring.”


Tenns chose #TidbitsThursday Blogging Time Management from Tidbits of Experience. “As a wife, mother, and blogger, I’m always looking for ways to better manage my time. This is an excellent post, that is so detailed on how to manage not only time with blogging, but it with life in general. You can never have enough irons in the fire when trying to balance it all.”


Natasha chose 5 Things That I Don’t Do As a Parent! from Domain of the Mad Mommy. “I absolutely love this post! I do each and every one of these things with my son. He always looks at me like I’m crazy when I tell him no cookies while I’m stuffing my face. And he absolutely drives me nuts on a daily basis, but I love him to pieces!”


The post with the most clicks is How to start saving money on groceries from A Fresh Start on a Budget.

Jillian also chose this post. “I chose this post because I am constantly looking for ways to save money with our food shopping. This post has some great tips and also links to some other great places to look for ideas.”

Stop by and show some love to our featured bloggers this week! I’m sure they’d all appreciate it!

If you were featured above, feel free to share the badge below with pride on your blog or website!

Epic Mommy Adventures
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And the Best of the Best is…

Show some love to our Best of the Best bloggers this week!!!!

As the Best of the Best, you win free ad space on Epic Mommy Adventures for 30 days! Please showcase the badge below with pride on your blog!

Please send an e-mail to Natasha at 1EpicMommy@gmail.com and she will provide you with all the details!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitupbuttonbest_zps00692ef1.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

So now that you’ve met our sponsor of the month, our hosts and co-hosts, and the Featured and the Best of the Best…

let’s get started!

  • Show some love to your hosts and co-hosts simply by following them on social media and leaving a comment so they can follow you back.
  • Link up as many posts as you’d like! The more, the merrier!
  • Check out some of the other posts and make some new friends!

Grab the button below and showcase on your sidebar! Invite your fellow bloggers to join the fun!

Epic Mommy Adventures
<div align="center"><a href="http://epicmommyadventures.com" title="Epic Mommy Adventures" target="_blank"><img src="http://epicmommyadventures.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/200pxturnitup1_zps05216d89.png" alt="Epic Mommy Adventures" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Link up your posts, make some friends, and earn the chance to be featured or become the Best of the Best on Turn It Up Tuesday! We will feature the favorite posts each week!

Interested in reading all of the Featured Posts on Turn It Up Tuesdays? Or do want to know if your post was featured before we go live next week? Follow Natasha Peter’s board Featured on Turn It Up Tuesdays! on Pinterest.

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