Tag Archives: baby’s first christmas

Wonderful Weekend

What a seriously wonderful weekend!


There are just some weekends that stick around as one of the best in memory. They’re those weekends that you think about when you’re kids are long gone and out of the house, and are home visiting again for the holidays. This was SERIOUSLY a wonderful weekend! So what made it so wonderful, you might ask? All the family time, time spent being a family and creating memories.

I’ve mentioned our weekend morning routine few different times on this blog, and we started that same exact way this week. I wish we had time to do that on weekdays, it really does put you in a great place mentally, when starting the day. Either way, once we rolled out of bed and began our day, we had our breakfast, watched our usual 8:30 am episode of Bob the Builder and had our Trader Joe’s Strawberry Toaster Pastries. I think I love Saturdays because there’s no pressure to get any chores done, and we can just spend time playing together.

After Bob the Builder, we did just that, we played and played and played. Emmett was being incredibly silly, but we had fun together. Eventually Seamus went to the gym, and I got Emmett bundled up to go outside to take some snowy pictures. This didn’t go so well – E had on a snowsuit, hat and mittens but still after only about 10 minutes, he’d had it and melted down. I felt terrible, but of course I had to snap a few photos of the meltdown before we headed in for some mommy cuddles and love.

He had been wearing mittens, but insisted I take them off. Oh Emmett!

He had been wearing mittens, but insisted I take them off. Oh Emmett!

I was supposed to go to a concert Saturday night with a good friend, but the weather was pretty messy, and no plow had come down our street. If I had even managed to get out of my parking spot, I would have had to deal with slippery roads, so I unfortunately had to cancel. In the end, I didn’t even leave the house, except to take pictures, all day on Saturday. Instead of going out, I finally decorated our tree. We got the tree last weekend, and had placed lights on the tree, but had not yet put on any ornaments, now it looks beautiful!

Today, we woke up, partook in our normal weekend routine and then eventually hit the showers early. We wanted to grab brunch, and grocery shop before the crowds hit. Unfortunately, when we went out to my car the plow had gone down our street (this is a good thing) but had essentially blocked me in, so we had to spend a great deal of time shoveling out. Eventually I managed to get out of my spot, and off to The Original Pancake House we went. The food was delicious and it wasn’t that crowded yet, AND Emmett wasn’t the loudest kid there. Typically he’s the loudest anywhere we go, but there was another baby who was yelling/crying louder than Emmett was. It was a relief, but I feel for those parents, because I know what it’s like to have a yelling toddler.


After that we headed to Target to gets some odds and ends, then Wegmans for groceries and then back home, where we stayed for the remainder of the day and evening. Emmett took a nice nap and I was able to get a couple of Christmas presents ordered, and got some blog stuff done. While Seamus got dinner ready, Emmett and I played with my iPad. I have a bunch of fun toddler games on there and you tell how much he is growing and learning. He can now recognize some animals, when it asks him to point to the “cow,” or it will ask what an animal says, and Emmett’s able to respond to it. It is such an amazing thing watching him grow. We ate dinner, had a little time to play, had a bath and then it was (sadly) time for bed.

As you can see, nothing major happened to make this weekend stand out, but it was FULL of family time, which is so very important to me. Every possible moment that I get to spend with both Seamus and Emmett, makes my life just THAT much fuller.


Your turn!

What fun things did your weekend include?


Emmett’s First Christmas

Emmett’s first Christmas was pretty exciting for all of us, probably more so for the adults than it was for him but he did seem to enjoy it.


Earlier in the December I had decided not to decorate. I went back and forth with this decision for quite awhile but I realized that if I decorated it would just add one more stressful thing to my life that already seems so jammed full and I didn’t need that. I also knew that we would be down at my parent’s house for both Christmas Eve and Day so there would be plenty of opportunities to get Christmas pics of Emmett.


I’ll admit that I definitely didn’t get into the Christmas spirit until I was wrapping people’s gifts the night before Christmas Eve and normally this would bother me and make me sad but since life HAS been so busy it really didn’t even phase me. I was excited to see my sister, her husband and my niece which was happening around Christmas, so I had family spirit. 🙂


Anyhow, back to Emmett, Christmas Eve morning we got all of our stuff together and headed down to my parent’s house. It’s only an hour ride from where we live so the trip isn’t bad. Our car was full to the brim with gifts for everyone and all of the things that a baby might require for an overnight stay (which tends to be a lot for such a little person).


Our Christmas Eve typically consists of a meatless meal (fish is allowed) followed by lots of loud chatter and a gift game, similar to the white elephant game. Emmett was such a great little boy! Since there were going to be two babies there my dad insisted on getting two high chairs for their house and I’m glad they did, my niece used one and Emmett used the other. Emmett’s not eating solids yet but it made it easier for Seamus and I to eat while he sat in the high chair and played with his toys.

He also did very well with all the people there. My aunt and cousin each held him for a bit but for the most part he stuck around myself, Seamus or my mom and he was happy or at least content. Once bedtime came around it was pretty difficult to get him to sleep because the house was quite loud but he eventually crashed. He woke up once when we came to bed (we were all sharing a room) but then stayed asleep until almost 6 am, Christmas day.


Emmett and I were the first ones up Christmas and we had some quality time together. He was in a fantastic mood so we cuddled and played and sang to each other, it was just perfect. I did get a few pictures of him in front of the tree with all of the gifts, I believe I posted those in this past week’s “The Week in Pictures.” Eventually it got to be nap time, just as everyone else was starting to wake up but I know how Emmett is if he doesn’t go down when he’s tired, so up he went to bed. He slept for a good 2 hours and came downstairs in a great mood.

My dad was also finally awake so the gift opening began! My parents are always so extremely generous and both babies ended up with so many new toys, clothes and special mementos. We haven’t even opened all the toys to play with yet and we’re a week out from Christmas.


Seamus had to work the next day, I did to but I was working from home, so we ate dinner with my family and then headed back home. We wanted to get home early enough to keep Emmett to his routine and so that Seamus had time to relax before bed. We gave E his bath, read him his story and off to dreamland he went. I imagine that he dreamt of wrapping paper and shiny bows. While I’m sure the toys will be a big hit once they’re opened and he’s playing with them, he obviously doesn’t quite get the concept of what presents are yet.


Oh and I forgot to mention that Emmett is so special that he got to hang out with Santa for a second time, so did my niece!! What lucky little babies!


Merry Christmas!




family-picture-3Merry Christmas from our beautiful family to yours!


Seamus, Jillian & Emmett


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