Tag Archives: autumn

Crock-Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

Crock-Pot Chicken Noodle Soup - Baby DoodahHeart-warming Chicken Noodle Soup

It happens every year, the cooler weather hits and I want soup. There is just something so very very comforting about sitting on the couch (because soup just shouldn’t be eaten anywhere but on the couch – haha), curled up in your softest sweatpants and socks, and your warmest sweatshirt, sipping that delicious steaming bowl of soup. Seriously, is there anything better!?

Chicken Noodle Soup-Baby Doodah 1

It’s no secret that Fall is my favorite time of year. Just something about it makes me come alive! I recently decided to try my hand at chicken noodle soup, but wanted to make it in the crock-pot because I’m not one for standing over the stove for hours on end. I like to cook, and then let the food do its thing.

I have to admit, this adventure was a success. The soup turned out delicious, and I cannot wait to make it again! It’s filling, hearty and warms you through and through. I highly recommend you run out and get the ingredients today, and make it for lunch all week. It would absolutely make a perfect dinner, too – I just prefer having soup for lunch.

chicken noodle soup-babydoodah 2


Your turn!

Do you love Chicken Noodle Soup? What’s your favorite recipe? Share in the comments below!

If Chicken Noodle Soup isn’t your favorite, what kind is?


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Baked Potato Soup – It’s Time for Fall!

Who doesn’t love Baked Potato Soup?!

I don’t know about anyone else, but as soon as Fall rolls around and the chillier weather, all I can think about is soup. Well that’s not true, it’s not like buckets of soup fill my head BUT I do think about it an awful lot. Ha! And this year was no different, as soon as the first chilly day arrived, I was immediately gung-ho about making and eating soup. Thankfully, I have a husband who happily obliged my need for soup, and went on a hunt for something we would all like and this is what he ended up with. He likes to call it Baked Pertader Soup!

The recipe comes from The Starving Chef, whose blog seems to now be defunct. This is terribly sad because this recipe is AWESOME! You can see a snapshot of her blog and the recipe but please note, it is just from Google Cache, so you will be unable to click on anything or find any of her other recipes. I still wanted to give her credit because, like I’ve mentioned it’s a great recipe and credit is deserved.

Baked Potato Soup


Baked Potato Soup Ingredients

  • 6 slices Bacon – Cubed
  • 1/2 red onion – diced
  • 1 green onion – chopped
  • 10 baby carrots or 1 whole carrot – chopped
  • 3 mushrooms – sliced
  • 3 cloves garlic – diced
  • 4 – 6 red pertaders – cubed
  • 2 c chicken broth
  • 1 c milk
  • 1/4 c heavy cream
  • 1/4 c flour
  • parsley
  • basil
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • salt + pepper to taste



  • Cook bacon in soup pot until crispy, remove and set aside for garnish. Leave grease!
  • Chop up veggies. Place in soup pot with bacon grease and cook until soft.
  • Wash pertaders (leave skin on). Chop into equal sized cubes, add pertaders to the pot with the veggies, stir.
  • Add basil, parsley, 1/2 of the paprika and 2 cloves of garlic, stir.
  • Add Chicken broth and bring to a boil. Allow to simmer until pertaders soften.
  • In smaller pan, mix 1 cup milk and 1/4 c flour. Bring to a simmer, remove from heat and allow to sit for 10 minutes.
  • Return 1/2 of the bacon to the soup
  • Take 1-2 cups of the soup, blend with a blender and then return to soup (do not fill to maximum line, hot liquid will expand).
  • Add Heavy Cream and rest of spices to taste.

That’s it! Pour into a big bowl and enjoy with a sprinkle of shredded cheddar and a dollop of sour cream on top and don’t forget your bacon and green onion garnishes. It is so so chunky and delicious. I assure you, this is NOT a healthy recipe and I did not do any calorie calculations, but is very yummy and would go perfectly with a Sunday afternoon football game. Enjoy!


My Finds Friday – Autumn

It’s time for My Finds Friday, Autumn edition.

Happy Friday everyone, I’m very happy that it’s here. Fridays mean the weekends and fun with my two favorite men! This has been a pretty great week, things at work are stressful but Emmett is continuing to grow and change and being able to watch him do that amazes me and makes me happy. Last week, he was pretty cuddly, wanting to sit with me and play with the iPad to learn his ABCs, where this week has been the complete opposite, he’s preferred to sit alone (even with me on the floor and him on the couch – lol). I don’t mind, I know he’s growing and changing and besides, I still get to watch him play. Watching him play, is as important as cuddling because every single little thing that he does, amazes me. 🙂

I decided to go with an Autumn theme for this week since we are in the midst of all the exciting Autumn activities. I think I’ve mentioned before how much I love this season and I find it even MORE exciting with a toddler because now all of those activities that I enjoyed doing alone or with Seamus, I get to involve a toddler who has yet to experience any of it. I’ll be seeing it all for the first time, through his eyes. So very exciting!

I thought that instead of sharing all sorts of blog posts this week, that I would also share some of the activities that Baby Doodah will likely be partaking in with us. I hope that you enjoy.


My Finds Friday – Autumn

  • I absolutely love traditions and am excited to start a few with Emmett this year. If you’re looking for more ideas or just to start some of your own, check out this article on Daily Mom, Fall Traditions Bucket List.
  • Apple picking! We will be going apple picking one of these weekends. We haven’t decided where yet, but we will absolutely be getting some delicious fresh apples directly off the tree and I cannot wait. Plus, just imagine the picture opportunities that will be created just by doing this as a family.
  • We will also likely be going to a pumpkin patch. I really would like to go to Pumpkinville this year. Last year we went to a different patch, and while we had fun, I’d like to try something new and create different memories.
  • I’d also like to take a ride out to Letchworth State Park or “the Grand Canyon of the East” as it is often referred to. The views here are breathtaking and I really want to share that with Emmett.
  • And finally – If you’re a blogger, you know how important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is. Well Google is revamping it’s algorithm, check out this post that describes some of the changes.

Your turn!

What are some of your Autumn traditions?

What were some of your Autumn traditions growing up?

Be sure to click the links above and then link-up below with some of your own finds!

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