Tag Archives: August NaBloPoMo

Favorite way to cool off – {August NaBloPoMo}

I hate being hot, so knowing how to cool off is of prime importance in my world.

Being hot is one of my least favorite feelings in the world, feeling the sweat form and drip down my forehead and back just skeeves me out and makes me super uncomfortable. I accept it when I’m working out, it’s expected then, but when you’re just sitting outside, in the sun, trying to relax, I hate it!

I think my number 1 favorite way to cool off in the summer time is to jump in a great big pool or lake. When we were kids, my parents lived exactly 2 blocks from Lake Erie, so a huge portion of our summers were spent down at the beach and splashing in the lake. Our city also had a public pool that was pretty well kept (at the time) and offered swim lessons, most of our summer mornings were spent at the pool learning each new swim stroke. As a side note, it’s because of those lessons that I’m such a good swimmer today. Anyhow, while growing up we never had A/C so we would head to the swimming pool every chance we got. But when it was closed and STILL hot, we’d set up a sprinkler or a baby pool outside, that wasn’t the greatest but at least it allowed us to stay cool.

My sister also had a friend down the street that had an above ground pool, she was invited over often but on occasion I’d also be invited to join. I LOVED those days! It gave us more opportunity to be in a pool and keep cool and not need to deal with only having a sprinkler or baby pool.

Another favorite of mine, are ice cold beverages. Specifically, iced coffee and even more specifically, Starbucks iced venti coffee with vanilla and cream. Just sitting here thinking about that cool, delicious beverage trickling down my throat can illicit a chilly response. Pure love!

There are the obvious ways to stay cool, sitting in a beautifully icy air conditioned room, or in front of a fan blowing wildly but my absolute favorite is sitting in a cool (unheated) pool. Sure you might jump in and be shocked by the coldness but once you’re in, you adjust and soon it just feels like heaven on earth.

Your turn!

What are your favorite ways to cool off?

If you’ve missed any of my previous August BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo posts, you can see them here.

Or if you want to join into the NaBloPoMo yourself, check out the August prompts here.

Would you want to be known as hot? {August NaBloPoMo}

Remember how I said I was joining into the festivities of BlogHer’s August NaBloPoMo?

BlogHer NaBloPoMo - August

August NaBloPoMo


Yeah, well I didn’t! I signed-up, was super excited about it (still am) and then the month of August proceeded to start and NaBloPoMo left my brain. I’m going to try and go back to catch-up on what I missed, but today I’m starting with August sixth’s prompt, (see them all here).

Would I like to be considered hot?


Yeah, I think I would. I’m sure it goes back to the good ole self-esteem, that I seem to lack so much of, all the time. It’s a pretty superficial judgement but we are taught and conditioned, by TV, movies or magazines on what is considered “hot.” When I look at the women (or men) who fall into this category, I always assume they have the life, that things just come easier for them, however I do realize that this is likely untrue. That many of the folks who are considered hot still probably had to work to get where they are.

I also associate hot with being thin or fit, and I so desperately want to be either. I know it doesn’t just happen and it takes hard work but I constantly like to imagine myself with a fitness instructor body and just magically waking up that way, it consumes almost every free second I have.

So if I were “hot” in my eyes, I’d be sexy, thin and fit, I’d have abs like those above. Well technically, I could have abs like those if I cut out the junk and worked hard. Now, I just need to work on motivation and find that HOT!

Question of the Day:

Would you like to be known as hot?

Are you joining NaBloPoMo, if so please share your posts and blogs below?

BlogHer NaBloPoMo: August

Readers! Guess what!? I’m going to be participating in BlogHer NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month!

BlogHer NaBloPoMo - AugustWhat this means for you, is that most days I will use the prompts from this challenge to create my daily blog posts. I’m certainly not running out of ideas to write about, having a child pretty much gives you a new topic everyday but I want to become more involved in the blog community and this is a great way to do it.

If you’re not familiar with what BlogHer NaBloPoMo is all about, you can read about it on BlogHer’s website, but in short bloggers are given a list of prompts for each day of the month and then they take those prompts and interpret them how they choose and blog from that (if you want more details surrounding how NaBloPoMo began, you can check out this link on Wiki). BlogHer’s August Theme is “hot” and after looking down the list of prompts for the month, I’m really excited to write about most of them. It will help lead me in a direction I haven’t yet gone in on this blog and in a way that I was eventually hoping to go.

The blog won’t change, I will continue to write about family life, work life and my (poor) attempts and eating better and working out. I’m just adding this in because I really would like to spread my wings and expand into new territory, plus you’ll have the benefit of learning more about me (well, I think that’s a benefit anyway). 😉

So who’s with me? Who wants to join me in writing about what’s “hot” in August?

If you’re interested, follow the below links to add yourself to the blogroll, you have until August 5th to do so.

BlogHer NaBloPoMo August:




Hope to see you there!


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