Tag Archives: apple picking

Apple Picking – Picture Post

Emmett’s Apple Picking post!

I’ve mentioned before that I love Fall and pretty much every Fall activity that you can think of.

A few years ago, before Emmett, we went apple picking at this great apple farm, we went to Blackman Homestead Farm. It wasn’t as commercialized or popular as another one of the local farms, which was what we were looking for, I hate the idea of having to wait in line before you can even get to the orchard. We were allowed to walk right into the orchard with a bag and pick as many apples as you wanted and you paid by weight, after the fact. I remember that the apples were fantastic and all of the people working there had been so polite and helpful. When the topic of apple picking , as a family, came up I already knew that I wanted to go back to this farm!


It wasn’t difficult to remember where we went because they are at our local farmer’s market almost every week and I frequently buy their Homestead Chili Sauce, which is so so good (sweet and a little spicy – perfect combo), so it just came down to deciding when we’d go. I didn’t care which apples were in season because I’m a fan of apples in general, all I needed was a day with little to no rain and some not so chilly temps. We found just that, a few weeks ago and we all had such an amazing time!

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Emmett was adorable! As soon as we had picked a couple apples that were edible, we wiped a few of them with our shirts and allowed him to have a bite. He was able to stick his teeth in, but his jaw wasn’t strong enough to get a big chunk out. We took the apple back and took a big bite and gave it back, he had a hay day taking tiny baby bites around where Seamus had taken his. He was thoroughly enjoying his apple and probably would have eaten most of it, if he hadn’t dropped it while we were going from one type of tree to another. Whoops! Oh well! He had plenty more to eat once he was home. He’s been quite smitten with apples since.

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I absolutely love Blackman Homestead Farm because it has such a laid back atmosphere. There were quite a few people there but I never once felt any pressure to buy anything or to rush. Everyone who was there, just went about their business, picking apples or chit chatting. It was so nice! Plus they have goats, a small hay maze for little kids, apple cider slushies and they probably have wine and other animals too, we just didn’t venture that far onto the farm. If you’re local to Buffalo, I highly recommend visiting them!

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What are your favorite Fall activities?

Do you go apple picking as a family?


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