Tag Archives: ambitions

Weekly Wishes

This is my very first installment of Weekly Wishes and I’m really excited to join in!

Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective, hosts a weekly link-up where you can come and share your wishes and hopes for the week to come, she calls it Weekly Wishes. I’m super thrilled to be linking up with the rest of the crew! The whole point of Weekly Wishes is to create and define specific goals for yourself for the week. They can range from super complex, to very simple. It doesn’t matter! It’s whatever YOU want to work on in that week. Admittedly, I am a day late, most weeks I’ll be posting this on Monday mornings, but I let the weekend get away from me and Monday evening I was dealing with some nausea and upset stomach.


This Week’s Wishes:

1.) Move more! Every week I say (to myself) that I am going to move more, but every week I find more excuses on why I don’t have the time to move. No more excuses! There are moms out there, who are a wife, mother and work full-time outside the home (just like me) who are training for an Ironman. I’m not interested in competing in an Ironman, but there is absolutely no reason why I am not more active.

2.) Organize my work life. Things are so busy at work, that I’ve been coming in and working and not getting myself organized. It is leading to additional (unneeded) stress. I just need to take the time, put myself on do not disturb, and organize. This will save me time in the long run.

3.) Take Emmett outside at least 3 times. Because I am often so busy and get home from work and head right into dinner time, Emmett getting outside often gets neglected but it doesn’t have to. I can get him outside in his stroller, which I can then run with, which helps meet goal # 1, or in his bike trailer (which also helps meet #1).

4.) Stick to my goals!  I so frequently set goals, only to forget about them or not follow-through with them. What I have listed are important to me, so I need to stick with it!

Your turn!

What are this week’s Weekly Wishes for you?

And be sure to stop by Melyssa’s blog to link up or check out the other bloggers who have joined in!

The Nectar Collective

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