Tag Archives: 5 things friday

Fitness Friday – 5 Things Friday

It’s Friday!

I know most people are super excited that it’s Friday, but I’m not. That means the majority of my vacation is done and over with. I don’t go back until next Thursday, but I am not looking forward to that. Either way, here we are again at my Fitness Friday post.

Fitness-Fridays,-a-blog-link-up-Baby-Doodah-and-The-Panda-PostThis week I thought I’d shake things around her up a little and go with 5 things from the past week, that I thought you should know about.

  • Yesterday I weighed-in for a work incentive. If I had lost 15% of my body weight in 6 months I would have been eligible for a $250 prize. I didn’t get it. 🙁 I was .9 over my goal weight. SO frustrating! I did have 6 months to complete the loss, so the fault lies completely with me, but I’m still frustrated with myself. However, I have the opportunity to lose an additional 15% by January of 2015 to earn $250, so I’ll be focusing on that and I WILL get there.
  • This vacation has been anything BUT productive. I got done the things I absolutely needed to do but getting ahead on my blog, or getting things with my Beachbody business scheduled pretty much did NOT happen. Honestly, though, I’m not all that disappointed. I work my tail off all the time, I deserve some real genuine down time.
  • My sweet baby boy Emmett is going to be TWO YEARS OLD on Tuesday. Can you believe that!? No big parties this year. Since my sister and her family is in town visiting, we’ll have a small dinner at my parent’s house on Saturday. On his actual birthday we’re planning on going to the zoo and then to Friendly’s. I’m hoping my little boy enjoys his special day!! Dear Emmett
  • My eating hasn’t been the greatest this week, but it has not been as bad as vacations in the past. We’ve gone out for lunch a few times and, get this, I’ve actually STOPPED eating when I was full. Like legitimately left 1/2 a sandwich on my plate, because I was full. I felt strong and empowered and in charge of my life when I did this. GO ME!
  • My husband surprised me with a new mouse yesterday, it’s super cute and blue. I’m loving it!!

 Now Onto the Goals

Amount of Weight Lost

I actually didn’t weigh myself this morning. After yesterday’s disappointment of not losing enough to be eligible for the $250, I didn’t want to see what the scale would say this morning.

Don’t worry, I’m not giving up, or quitting, or any other such thing. I simply took a vacation from everything for the week (and it felt good!!!).

Exercise Goals

Last week, I said I wanted to workout 6 days and also run or bike twice. Well, I stuck to part of this. I worked out about 4 times and went on a couple walks with Emmett. Not terrible!

Next week, I want to get back into my focused 21 Day Fix practice. So, 6 days of working out with that and 2 run/walk or bike days.

Food Goals

My plan for this past week was to stick with the Shakeology and 21 Day Fix meal plan. I stuck with Shakeology, but I veered a bit from the actual meal plan. I had some food that doesn’t fit BUT I ate it in moderation and I do not feel guilty.

Next week I’m back on track!! Shakeology and clean eating!

Fitness Friday - Joint Pic

Kathy at The Panda Post|Bloglovin’|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram

Jillian at Baby Doodah!|Bloglovin’|Facebook|Twitter|Instagram|Google+

Your turn!

What are your 5 things from this week?

Do you ever eat “off your meal plan” while you’re on vacation?


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