Tag Archives: 2 year anniversary

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary…. TO ME!

Two years ago, to the day, I married my one true love, Seamus.

happy-anniversaryThey say that the first year after having a baby can be one of the hardest of your life and I would absolutely have to agree. We have had our share of ups and downs since having Emmett. It isn’t that he’s a difficult child, it’s simply that life changes when you bring a baby into your lives. You’re no longer focusing on just yourself and your significant other, you have a very precious little life that now takes priority, often your relationship suffers.

Seamus and I have worked very hard to make sure that we still show one another that we care and that we support the other’s choices and ambitions. We make time to sit and chat together, even if this happens to be over dinner, we make sure the TV is off and our attention is on each other. I’ll admit that there are days when I feel the strong allure of my phone and one of the many apps I have downloaded. Those tend to be the days where work was really stressful and I just don’t feel like conversing. Thankfully, I have found a man who understand this. He understands that my not wanting to talk, doesn’t mean that I hate him or that our relationship is in danger, it means I had a rough day and just don’t feel like talking. It is because of him, that I have grown and become the loving wife that I am today.


You know that feeling you get when you feel completely safe? Where nothing from the outside world can get you? (If not, I hope one day you do.) I feel this way with Seamus. I feel that every goofy thing I say or every silly thing I do, is accepted by him. I never question his love or how he feels about me because he makes it clear. We hug frequently and kiss regularly, we want to show Emmett what love really is. We want him to grow up in a home where love abounds (like Seamus and I both did).

I’m not sitting here, writing this, saying we never fight or that we don’t have days where we hardly speak to one another, of course we do. We live together, we have disagreements, but the thing that is constant is that we always come back to one another with emotions and love as strong as it was on the day we said “I do.”  That’s truly what I wish for everyone, to find that person who makes you feel like you are loved, even at your worst. I feel that from Seamus, I absolutely do.


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As I write this, I realize how easy it can be to take all of this for granted. Seamus is a wonderful husband and an amazing father. He is always there for Emmett and I, in whatever capacity we might need him. He rarely complains about having to help in a situation that is less than desirable and is always willing to jump in and assist if asked. He is so good to us, that on occasion I forget. I forget how kind he is and how gentle he has been with me throughout my entire struggle with PPD. I regret ever forgetting, but I can’t change the past and can only fix the future. I can continue to love him fully, the way he has loved me and continue to show him how much he is valued by us.

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My parents took almost the exact same picture on their wedding day 35 years earlier.

My parents took almost the exact same picture on their wedding day 35 years earlier.

Seamus – We have been together for 6 years, married for 2 of those and with a baby for 1. It has been a full life, one I would not trade for the world. My only hope is that I can live up to you, and be the wife that you deserve.

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Here’s to many MANY more years together! I love you!

If you’d like to see our first anniversary post, you can check it out here.

Also, if you’d like to read the speech that my brother gave during our ceremony, you can read it here: A Few Notes on Love for Jillian and Seamus.

And finally, if you live in Buffalo and are looking for an amazing photographer for your wedding or other event, I highly recommend Kaz Photography!

Thanks everyone, for celebrating with us today!

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