Category Archives: Wellbeing

Reasons to Love Yourself Again

Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. –Lucille Ball

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Not just thinking about nothing in particular, but really being self-reflective about myself, don’t worry, I’m being kind, but there are some things I’ve been realizing, mainly… I love myself behind closed doors.

When I am home with Emmett or Seamus, I feel beautiful. Emmett, right now, sees me as the most important person in his life and fawns over me (yes, even at 2 years old). Seamus, is always complementary. The other day he told me how gorgeous I looked, which made me feel amazing, because I wasn’t wearing any make-up, and he still thought I was beautiful.

But, then I step outside, go to the grocery store, or maybe just for a walk, and I see all these other people (women mostly), who are thin. I admire, almost all of these women, but I am partial to those who obviously workout and stay fit. I am envious of their muscles, the way their clothes fit, the confidence that just seems to exude from them – pretty much everything about them, I want to be.

Here’s the thing, I need to be that way NOW, in order to be that way later – Whether it be after I lose weight, or get fit, or have another baby, etc. etc. I can’t wait for this grand showing to be happy with myself. Eventually, it will show through and could rub off on Emmett, and I don’t want him to EVER have to deal with body image issues. I want him to love himself every single day of his life. And, when he struggles during those teenage years, I want to be there for him, to remind him of all that makes him who he is.

So, because I am working on loving myself outdoors, as much as I do indoors – I wanted to share reasons why I should love myself. My guess, is that many people will also be able to love themselves for some of the same reasons.

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