Category Archives: Weekly Wishes

Weekly Wishes – Happiness

Welcome to Weekly Wishes – This week’s focus will be on happiness.

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Happy Monday everyone! You read all about my Saturday yesterday and Sunday shaped up to be just as awesome, just more relaxed. We hung around the house all morning, and just spent time as a family. It’s tough sometimes to just be us, because of work schedules, gym schedules and sleep schedules, so it is really wonderful when we can just spend time as a family. Emmett played and Seamus and I talked, really wonderful stuff, readers!

Emmett eventually went down for a nap, when he woke it was time for our weekly trip to Wegmans. We decided to just grab lunch there because we really didn’t have anything in the house and it would save us time. We got Emmett a hot dog and some fresh fruit and man oh man, did he chow down. He has been a great eater this weekend, I wouldn’t be surprised if he woke up today and was 4 feet tall. 😀 Anyway, we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening, playing some more and a little Bob the Builder. Emmett cuddled with me on the couch and Seamus spent some time in the kitchen making us an amazing Pertader Soup (he request that I title it this way). I’ll be sharing the recipe in the next few days, readers, you are in for a treat!

All in all, this was one heck of an amazing weekend!!

Okay, time for what you’ve all come here for – Weekly Wishes – Happiness.

I mentioned that this week’s theme for Weekly Wishes is happiness – my wedding day was one of THE happiest days of my life! I married the man that I love and we were able to begin our life of love together. That’s why I chose the picture below.


My first goal from last week was to workout 4 times, I’m not happy to report that I did not complete this goal. I made it three times, but unfortunately did not hit that 4th time.

Number two was to make better use of my lunches at work. This one can be reported as a success! Anytime I didn’t have something pressing that needed to get done, I spent my lunch catching up on the blogs in my blog reader, because hole moley am I behind.

And finally, keep a positive attitude all week. This was definitely not a success, but I tried, so I’m not a complete failure. I don’t have a lot to complain about, but somehow I manage to find every little thing to moan and groan about, I need to get over this. I’m hoping that the ecourse that I signed-up for, Everyday Happy, that starts tomorrow, will help boost my positive feelings. I’m super excited for this course and will be sharing my experiences periodically throughout.


Alrighty time for this week’s goals –

  1. Workout 4 times – I’m keeping this goal because it is good for me and because it is completely achievable when I put my mind to it.
  2. Take 20 minutes a day to just sit – I read an article this weekend (and I can’t find it anywhere, sorry) where the author shared that some of the best creators of all time took 20 minutes in their days to just sit and do nothing. The author stated he gave it a try, and found that was when his best and most lucrative ideas came from. Sure I’d love to make more money, but I’m going to give this a try simply to see if I can get some new blog ideas flowing, or for whatever else may come through. The goal is to do this as soon as you wake up, but hopefully it can be as effective any time of the day, in case I don’t have time to do it in the morning.
  3. Fully involve myself in the Everyday Happy ecourse – I signed-up for this with the best of intentions and I intend on getting my money’s worth. I realize that the course will not fix everything, that I need to work on some of that on my own, but it can certainly help give me a new, clearer, more positive outlook if I truly immerse myself. So I will do just that!

That’s it folks! That is what I will be working on this week. Feel free to check-in with me and hold me accountable, I welcome the encouragement!

The Nectar Collective


Your turn!

What are you goals and wishes for this week? Share the below and link-up with Melyssa!

Weekly Wishes – Innocence

I’m so excited to participate in this week’s Weekly Wishes. The theme for this week is Innocence.

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

Before Emmett was born I always wanted lazy weekends on the couch, now I love a weekend full to the brim with fun activities. Don’t get me wrong, a lazy weekend on the couch is needed from time to time but there is just so much to do in life and I’m having a blast doing it with Emmett and Seamus.

This weekend was beyond busy and you know what? I didn’t dread it one bit. My sister and her family were in town and since they don’t live in the area we only really see them 4 or 5 times a year, when we do see them, I make the most of it. Emmett and I spent Saturday down there and then Seamus joined us on Sunday. It was a very laid back weekend even though we weren’t at home, both days were just spent hanging around my parent’s house, visiting. Emmett got to play with his cousin and the different toys that my mom has and they both got to play in grandma’s big backyard. It was an absolute blast!

I mentioned earlier that this week’s picture theme for Weekly Wishes is Innocence, before I go any further into my post, I wanted to share why I feel that my picture is the epitome of innocence. Emmett is 14 months old (today, to be exact), almost everything he does is a first for him and he experiences it with fresh new eyes. When he tries something new it is always with excitement, wonderment or confusion and I love seeing his reactions. They remind me that even though I may have eaten an apple right of the tree before, he hasn’t. I can’t put into words what it’s like seeing your child do something for the first time. This, to me, is pure innocence!

Weekly-Wishes-InnocenceAnd now, Weekly Wishes!

Let’s check-in on how I did last week…

My number 1 goal for last week was to workout 4 times. Did I do it? Heck yes I did! I road my bike, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, with my mileage being 9.31, 10 and 13 and took a nice walk over the weekend. Woohoo!! 13 miles on my bike is the furthest I’ve gone in YEARS. It felt (feels) so good to be working so hard, my body is thanking me.

Number 2 was to make better use of my lunches at work. I didn’t do so well on this one, but not because I was lazy but because I was on vacation. This was a silly one to make a goal for a week when I was working only two days and posted my Weekly Wishes on the second day. Woops! Wasn’t thinking clearly.

Up next for number 3 was to work on my link-up for My Finds Friday. I definitely worked on this one, but behind the scenes. I did the link-up again this week, but in a couple months there are some big things coming for this link-up, until then, link-up and patiently await what is coming. 😀

Finally, and most excitedly was to make the most of my days off. I am oh so happy to report that I really did make the most of every single day. As mentioned above, I worked out, I cleaned, I watched some TV and most importantly relaxed. I think the only thing I didn’t do was read but I’m not the least bit disappointed because I used my time so well that there just wasn’t time for a book.

As you can see, I did a pretty good job of sticking to my goals. I love posting Weekly Wishes when I complete my goals, but I promise even on week’s where my goals aren’t meant, I won’t skip posting. That doesn’t do anyone any good, this is all about holding myself accountable for whatever I do, good or bad.

Time for this Week’s Wishes

  1. Workout 4 times. This went so well last week that I want to keep the momentum going!
  2. Make good use of my lunches at work. Like last week’s goal, I want to make sure that I use my lunch for productive things. It can be thing pertaining to work, working out, reading, or whatever else. I just don’t want to sit there doing nothing. There’s just no reason to waste even one second of my time.
  3. Finally, keep a positive attitude all week! I struggle A LOT with being a pessimist or seeing the negative side of things. I want to make this week a positive one.

Alright, those are my wishes! I can’t wait to report back next week with how I did.

Your turn!

What are your Weekly Wishes, goals, hopes or dreams for this week?

Be sure to join in and link-up your Weekly Wishes on Melyssa’s blog, The Nectar Collective. Also, be sure to check out all of my other Weekly Wishes posts!

Weekly Wishes – Beautiful

It’s that beautiful time again, time for Weekly Wishes!

Weekly wishes is an opportunity to share the goals and challenges that you want to accomplish in the week ahead. Melyssa at The Nectar Collective is kind enough to host this each week and I’m thrilled to join in, once again.

Weekly-Wishes beautiful

First up, let’s see how I did on last week’s, Weekly Wishes.

My number 1 goal last week was to Move more! I would say that I moved more, not by much but I did do a little something extra. I actually went on my first jog in ages. Typically Emmett and I just walk but I felt like jogging, so I did and it felt really really good.

#2 was Organize my work life. I did it, I did it! Well, I started it and made a good dent, there’s plenty more to go but I’m pleased with where I got.

#3 was to get Emmett outside 3 times. I also completed this one, which was tough because it was a very busy week but I knew I had dedicated myself to it and didn’t want to admit failure.

And finally… Stick to my goals. Well, obviously you can see that I stuck to them, and I am pretty darn proud of that. Woohoo!

Alright and now onto this week’s Beautiful Weekly Wishes.

  1.  Workout (hard) 4 times. I’m trying to give myself more specific goals, in order to give myself something very clear to focus on. This way I’m not making half-assed attempts at my success. My workouts can include, indoor spinning classes, running/walking intervals or outdoor riding of my bike. I want to focus on cardio this week, make it a habit, then add in the strength training.
  2. Make better use of my lunches. I don’t take a lunch everyday, but when I do I want to make the most of it. I want to spend the time either active (by walking outside my office), blogging or catching up on the blog articles I’m behind in reading. It is an hour, two or three times a week that I am under-utilizing.
  3. Work on building my My Finds Friday weekly link-ups. I started it last week but didn’t really do any real advertising for it. I posted it to Twitter and Facebook a few times but I could definitely do more with it. I don’t expect it to be huge immediately but I know I can do more to build my viewership. I want to find at least one more way to get myself seen!
  4. Make the most of my days off. I have Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off of this week and I have absolutely ZERO plans, and I want to keep it that way, that doesn’t mean I want to lay around either. I just want to take the day as it comes, walking, watching a little TV, blogging, literally doing whatever it is my hearts desires to do in that moment. I am taking Emmett to day care and I have a little momma guilt, but I really need some time to recoup. It’s been a very long time since I had a day to myself.

That’s it! That’s all she wrote! I’m really really excited about these goals this week, so that can only mean success right?

And now my beautiful picture!

Melyssa at The Nectar Collective has decided that each week her Weekly Wishes picture collection will have a theme. She has chosen beautiful as her first.

I chose to take a picture of my Concorde grapes from this weekend. They are my favorite kind of grapes but I just LOVE the way they look after they’ve been washed. The water beading up on them, makes them look so succulent, so much so that I went to town on almost half the bowl. I love those things!

Be sure to join in and link-up!

The Nectar Collective

Weekly Wishes

This is my very first installment of Weekly Wishes and I’m really excited to join in!

Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective, hosts a weekly link-up where you can come and share your wishes and hopes for the week to come, she calls it Weekly Wishes. I’m super thrilled to be linking up with the rest of the crew! The whole point of Weekly Wishes is to create and define specific goals for yourself for the week. They can range from super complex, to very simple. It doesn’t matter! It’s whatever YOU want to work on in that week. Admittedly, I am a day late, most weeks I’ll be posting this on Monday mornings, but I let the weekend get away from me and Monday evening I was dealing with some nausea and upset stomach.


This Week’s Wishes:

1.) Move more! Every week I say (to myself) that I am going to move more, but every week I find more excuses on why I don’t have the time to move. No more excuses! There are moms out there, who are a wife, mother and work full-time outside the home (just like me) who are training for an Ironman. I’m not interested in competing in an Ironman, but there is absolutely no reason why I am not more active.

2.) Organize my work life. Things are so busy at work, that I’ve been coming in and working and not getting myself organized. It is leading to additional (unneeded) stress. I just need to take the time, put myself on do not disturb, and organize. This will save me time in the long run.

3.) Take Emmett outside at least 3 times. Because I am often so busy and get home from work and head right into dinner time, Emmett getting outside often gets neglected but it doesn’t have to. I can get him outside in his stroller, which I can then run with, which helps meet goal # 1, or in his bike trailer (which also helps meet #1).

4.) Stick to my goals!  I so frequently set goals, only to forget about them or not follow-through with them. What I have listed are important to me, so I need to stick with it!

Your turn!

What are this week’s Weekly Wishes for you?

And be sure to stop by Melyssa’s blog to link up or check out the other bloggers who have joined in!

The Nectar Collective

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