Category Archives: My Finds Friday

Fitness Fridays – #4

Oh yes, folks – It’s Friday!! Though, a lot of folks had off today, so yesterday was their Friday.

I’m so excited for this long weekend! We don’t have a lot planned, but it is shaping up to be productive, purposeful and fun. 🙂

First up, I’d like to thank Rebecca from Flex and Shout Fitness, for stopping by and linking up. Please stop on over and give her some love!! She has a great circuit workout on the post I linked up there, make sure you pin it for future use.

This week’s Fitness Fridays is a bit different, Kathy is taking a week off, but I wanted to post this week for two reasons – number 1 being so I can talk about my weight loss (we’ll get to that in a bit), and number 2 is because I want to keep the routine going. I tend to get lazy if I stop a routine. So, here I am!

This week week I decided that I would talk a little bit about…

[Tweet “How I Find Motivation in the Darkest of Moments.”]

It’s no secret that I have struggled with depression, I’ve talked about it on here and in my in personal life. My moods swing up and down, but lately, they’ve been swinging more UP! I’m really happy that I can say that it isn’t just happening, I’m working hard at it. I am doing things to make my life better and stronger!

Fitness Fridays Baby Doodah

Here are my Top 3 tips I use to keep my motivation for life UP!

1. Wake-up and Make No Excuses!  On those days when I wake up at 4:30 in the morning and I don’t feel like doing anything but hitting snooze and the pillow, I literally force myself out of bed, I won’t except no for an answer. Once I’m up and moving I tell myself that I need to move around, make my coffee, sit at the table and think, anything but lay on the couch for at least 10 minutes. 9 times out of 10, once that time has passed I’m awake enough to get my workout in and don’t feel like laying down, wasting the quiet time. That workout is KEY to my happiness, right now!

2. Follow Health and Fitness Accounts on Instagram. If you’re about to consider eating that doughnut or skipping that workout, open Instagram and skim through the hundreds of thousdands of motivational pictures there. You have inspirational quotes, before and after photos and even short videos of people working out. People post healthy recipes, or short-burst workouts, the motivation is endless. I use IG a lot to find my motivation when I’m struggling. Something about other people accomplishing their goals moves me to mine. You can follow my IG account here: Jillian41681

3. Surround Yourself with People that Motivate and Inspire you. I know this seems like a given, but so many people don’t understand the necessity of having people who like to workout and eat well in your life. These are people who are a walking billboard for health. They’re the ones that kick your a** when you say you don’t feel like working out today, or that you’re going to eat that delicious cupcake. They’re also the ones who praise you and high five you when you do EPIC sh*t! 🙂

Those are my top three! I’d love to hear about yours in the comments!

Now Onto the Goals

Amount of Weight Lost

Are you ready for this…………..?

3.2 lbs!! Bringing my grand total to 4.8 lbs! I am .2 away from my first reward. Yay!

This is what happens when you work the program. I’m still following the 21 Day Fix (if you’re interested in learning more about the program, please email me at, and it is working AWESOME!

I haven’t taken my measurements yet, but I will as soon as I get a chance. However, I know I have lost lots, because my tight pants are no longer tight. WOOHOO!  😀

Exercise Goals

I wasn’t completely successful, but I am not disappointed in the effort that I put in. I did 6 workouts, but only once a day. I just couldn’t squeeze in that 2nd workout. I need to work on that!

Next week’s goal is to continue with the 21 Day Fix, doing 6 workouts and then 2 days of running or biking outdoors. Getting outside and in the sun will really benefit me.

Food Goals

Before I go into what my goal was and will be next week, I want to share that I have not had an emotional binge or any other type of binge in 3 weeks. That’s not to say that I haven’t had some junk foods (ie: pizza), but I did not binge. I ate a normal, healthy amount, and felt no guilt! THIS IS HUGE! I’ll be talking more about this next week. I honestly truly feel like I can attribute this curbing of cravings to Shakeology. The stuff is so darn good, makes me feel good and has cut out most of my cravings. And the ones I do get, I am getting better at ignoring, or finding ways to cope with them.

Alright, last week, I stated I wanted to continue with the 21 Day Fix meal plan and Shakeology. I did both to a T! Go me!

Next week, I will continue to stick to the 21 Fix Meal Plan and Shakeology (love this stuff!).

If you’re wondering the reason for me continuing with the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan, it’s because it is so easy to use. The different colored containers and the lists of foods that you can eat, make it completely fool proof.

If you’re interested in learning more about 21 Day Fix or Shakeology, I can provide you with information on both. Please email me at I’d love to hear from you!

Okay that about does it, be sure to link-up your posts below, I love reading them and highlighting your blogs on mine. Let’s grow our followings together!

Your turn!

What’s your favorite way to keep your motivation up? Share in the comments below!


My Finds Friday + A Giveaway

Happy Friday!

Oh man am I happy it’s Friday! I’ve missed being around here and am hoping to get some blogging done over the weekend. All week long, I’ve been reading some really great posts and wishing I had more than a moment to blog. Alas, I find time as I can and I have a few minutes now, so here I am.

It’s been a busy week, mostly because of packing and getting things done around the house. Work was busy, but it was good busy and made the week fly. Can you believe it – after this weekend, there is only 2 more weekends until we move!!! I cannot believe that!!!

Anyhow…. On with My Finds Friday.



Top Three Blog Articles I’m Lovin’

Top Video of the Week

I love Jimmy Fallon and I love Idina Menzel, so them singing the song from Frozen together made my heart go pitter patter.

Top Recipe of the Week

I’m pretty smitten with the idea of this Spinach & Kale Goat Cheese Pizza. The pictures of it look simply mouth water, but I know how much I love goat cheese, so there is no question on whether this would be yummy or not.

Top Workout of the Week

This week I’m sharing a post from one of my favorite bloggers, Janice from Fitness Cheerleader. Her post isn’t about a specific workout, but it is 5 REAL life tips for fitting fitness into your day. This is constantly one of my biggest challenges, her tips really gave me some insight, so I highly recommend you check them out.

And finally… That Giveaway!

Chelsea from the blog Sunny with a Chance of Sprinkles is turning 24 today! Yahoo! Happy birthday, chica! To help herself celebrate, she is giving away a $110 gift card to Target, and I’m one of the lucky ladies participating in the giveaway. You can enter using the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
So that about does it for this week’s link-up! I’d love for you to share your finds from your own blogs or from around the web, below. And hey, if you want to be really awesome – share my button below on your blog!

Baby Doodah



Your turn!


Do you love Idina Menzel as much as I do? I’ve loved her since she was in RENT.


Did you enter the giveaway?!?!

My Finds Friday – Link Up

Happy My Finds Friday!


Who else besides me is super excited to be here again? At Friday, that is. I can’t even say it was a bad week, I just love the weekends so much. I love spending the time with my family, even if we’ll be spending most of it packing. 🙂 Tomorrow is also Super Saturday at Sears, so we’ll be spending part of our afternoon at Sears buying a new washer and dryer for our new home. I’m actually really psyched about this! I’ve never owned my own washer and dryer and for some reason I feel really grown-up going out to buy a set.

So what’s on our agenda for the weekend? Not much. We’ll be packing, going to Sears (as mentioned above) and then grocery shopping on Sunday. Despite the packing, it should be a pretty restful weekend… love those!

Now – Time for My Finds Friday!

Top Three Blog Articles I’m Lovin’

  • Emmett’s a pretty active toddler, flying from one activity to the next, but he doesn’t seem to be too out of control. However, one day he may need a break and a chance to calm down, this “Calm Down” jar by Daily Mom is a fantastic idea. One I will be keeping in my back pocket for the future.
  • It’s not secret around these parts that I struggle with my eating. Part of the problem is my all or nothing mentality, in this article on Science-Based Medicine, it talks about the book The Diet Fix, and the logic behind it. There are no gimics or quick fixes (which we all know), but there is also no reason to cut certain foods out if you don’t have negative effects from them. This is definitely a book I will be looking into.
  • In the same vain, this article on Mind, Body, Green, discusses the phases in which you can completely eliminate sugar from your diet. It’s a quick read and very comprehensive.

Top Video of the Week

A friend of mine shared this video with me earlier in the week and the end had me crying, I was laughing so hard.

Top Recipe of The Week

This delicious Paleo breakfast casserole is something you should make this weekend. I made it Sunday and split it up and took it all week long. Super delicious! It tasted great with some hot sauce sprinkled on top, as well.

Top Workout of the Week

Okay, this isn’t a specific workout, but it is a workout timer that has shown to be very effective over the last couple of weeks. Twice a day a few of my co-workers and I have been meeting to do a certain exercise in the Tabata Format, and this app, Tabata-Timer is awesome! It works perfectly and is so simple to use. I recommend you download it and go down some Tabatas right now!

Tabata Timer 1 Tabata Timer

Alright, that about does it for this week! Be sure to link-up below and share any great articles from your blog, or any other fun finds from the past week.


Baby Doodah

Your turn!

Have you ever done a Tabata? What exercises have you done using tabata? Share in the comments below!


My Finds Friday – A New Take – Link up

Time to switch My Finds Friday up a bit!

If you’re a regular reader, then you’ve probably noticed that for the past few weeks I’ve skipped posting My Finds Friday, and you may be wondering why.

Simply put – I was getting bored with it.

I was still finding articles and blogs that I wanted to share with you, I just had no desire to come to my blog and post about it. When you start to feel like you don’t want to blog about something, you need to either stop writing about that, or take a break because that lack of desire, is a scary road. It can often lead to a blogger dreading writing altogether, and I didn’t want to reach that point, so I went on hiatus.

However I’m back, and I’m switching things up a smidge.

In previous My Finds Friday, I would only share links to articles from around the web that I was finding interesting. Now, my goal is to share ANYTHING that I see over the past week that I feel my readers would benefit from. So let’s get this party started, and liven things up around here!

My Finds Friday – Lovin’ on You!

Top three Blog Articles I’m lovin’

Video of the Week

This is hilarious! Here’s an article that talks a little bit about it, I recommend you read the article first, before you watch the video.

Workout of The Week

7-Minute HIIT Workout by FitSugar

As I continue to progress My Finds Friday, things may get switched up or added, but I want it to be more comprehensive, so I want to experiment.

Baby Doodah

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite finds from the past week?

Do you like the new My Finds Friday format? What do you think should be added or removed?

Please join in and link-up below!



My Finds Friday – Great Finds From Around the Web

Oh hey! It’s My Finds Friday!

I’m so excited that it’s Friday! This weekend is shaping up to be a great one, filled with loads of couch and snuggle time. I don’t have to work this weekend, most of my chores are already done (Yay! Weekly Wishes), and it’s cold. What better way to beat the cold then to curl up on the couch with THE cutest boy around, and THE most handsome of husbands?


And now (drumroll please) My Finds Friday!

Alright folks, that’s about does it for this week! Check out the links above and share the LOVE!

Baby Doodah

 Your turn!

What are some of the amazing finds you came across over the past week?

My Finds Friday – Great Finds from Around the Web

Oh yes! It’s Friday and that means it’s My Finds Friday time!

Hi everybody! I’m super excited to be here again, at Friday that is. 🙂 Weekends are always welcomed around here, but it was a pretty good week at work. The busyness continues, but I’m slowly but surely learning how to manage it without causing myself and unneeded level of stress. It feels great to get to this point!

Before I get into My Finds Friday, I wanted to tell you about our first Parent-Teacher Conference yesterday. I realize Emmett is only (almost) 18 months old, and P/T Conferences may seem unnecessary, but I really wanted to go and meet his teacher 1 on 1. Plus, I know they usually share the kid’s art work, and who doesn’t want to see that? It was so much fun! I got to meet his teacher (she’s so great), see his artwork, and she shared his portfolio checklist. This checklist is just something they use to gauge whether kids are developing as they should. There’s no super specific timeline, but it’s good to notice something that’s not occurring, so that you can intervene with help as needed. Anyway, I’m pleased to share that Emmett is doing excellent! He has already met, or surpassed almost every milestone for his age level and he just moved up to this room on January second. I’m such a proud momma!!!


Now, with a huge smile on my face, let’s get to My Finds Friday

  •  This week I came across a really odd (to me) post. This soon-to-be mother writes about how her doctor judged her for wanting to have sex while pregnant. At first glance, you’d likely agree that a doctor shouldn’t judge you for anything, but then as you read the article you find out that there is a health reason for why the woman was advised not to have sex while pregnant. I agree with the woman, in that I don’t think having a child should define you. You don’t have to JUST be a mother, but I disagree at putting your unborn child’s life at risk for any reason. Anyway, check it out – it’s a great read!
  • Next up is an interesting little article on rules that French children know, but American children do not. It gave me something to think about, and there are some really good ideas.
  • I follow Tony Posnanski on Facebook, he’s constantly posting things that make me think, or that are motivational to get my butt moving. Then he shared a link to an article he wrote in November and I was hooked! It’s titled, I Have the Disease Known as ‘Obesity,’ he shares his real-life struggle with obesity and how it never truly goes away. I really love the stuff he writes.
  • We’re still in January and a lot of us are still trying really hard to stick to our intentions. Our Three Peas has a great article on simple ways to keep your house organized.
  • 5 Things Health People Do Everyday Before Work – is a great article with ideas on a few things you can add into your daily morning routine to make you feel your best.

So, I think that about does it for this week’s My Finds Friday. Be sure to share your finds, and link them up below!

Baby Doodah

Your turn!

Share your blog full of finds, below. I’d love to see what you’ve found!


My Finds Friday

Hey everyone, it’s My Finds Friday, time!

Sorry I’ve been absent for a few days, this time of year gets so busy and by the time the evening rolls around, I’m pooped and ready for bed.

This week’s My Finds Friday will be a brief one, I’m really tired and all I can think about is my bed. Hopefully I’ll have time over the weekend to fill you in on all that has occurred with life lately.


My Finds Friday!

There you have it, my favorite Friday finds for this past week. I know it was a quick post, but I assure you I’m going to go pass out now. 🙂

Baby Doodah

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite Friday finds, from the past week?

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