Who doesn’t love looking back at the last year? It reminds you of what you’ve done, where you’ve come from and reminds you of projects / ideas you had and still need work. So, with that being said – here is Baby Doodah’s Year in Review!
Right off the bat, I think my favorite post was An Open Letter to the Woman in the Car Next to Mine. Simply because it was some of my best writing on this blog, to date. I am proud of what I wrote in that post and I hope that it helps others understand the true struggle that Binge Eating Disorder creates.
Does anyone else have two sets of resolutions? I have my business / professional goals and intentions and then I have my mom resolutons.
In 2014 I decided that I would come clean to the world that I suffer with Binge Eating Disorder. These were some of my most popular posts last year. I truly believe that is because people may relate in some form or another, my hope is that they find strength in my struggles and admission to those struggles.
I have Binge Eating Disorder
What it’s like on a daily basis, struggling with Binge Eating Disorder
What Someone with Binge Eating Disorder Really Looks Like
Coping with Binge Eating Disorder & the Loneliness of Having the Disorder
Why I Decided to Be Bold and Come Clean About my Binge Eating Struggles
Enough with the Lies Regarding Food Consumption
How I’m Working to Say NO to the Binge
In 2014 I took a much different stance on the holidays – I decided that I wouldn’t focus on the food only being around for one day and gorge myself. I decided to eat as if it were any other meal (and having a plan worked)!! Celebrate the Holidays, Not the Food.
Since I know all too well what it is like to suffer with Binge Eating Disorder or Emotional Eating, I wrote a post sharing signs that show you’re eating your emotions. My hope is that this post will help someone else recognize and overcome their struggle.
I loved this post! I do believe that the reward system can be very motivating to many people. It was for me!
We moved in 2014 (and will likely be moving again in 2015). I took some time to write some tips and tricks to move with a toddler.
Preparing Your Toddler for a Move
Packing to Move with a Toddler
Lessons Learned from Moving with a Toddler
I live in NY so our Winters can get pretty hairy, and driving in the snow is no easy feat! I decided to take some time to write out tips for Winter driving for parents.
My husband makes the best guacamole – I’d bet on it!! I was such a good and kind blogger and shared his AMAZING and (easy) recipe.
I guess I should really just say that my husband is an amazing cook! Here’s his (borrowed from his mom) meatloaf recipe– again it is so amazing!
Obviously I think having a boy rocks! And, of course I had to write about it! Why I think having a little boy rocks!
Do you use apps with your toddler? We only use specific ones, that have some sort of educational value. There particular apps were my favorite.
Need tips or motivation for making a meal plan? I wrote a post sharing my BEST tips for meal planning success.
And finally, the elusive potty training habit. 🙂 We haven’t gotten there, quite yet, but I believe Emmett is getting closer. Here’s what to look for to know when your child’s ready for potty training.
We are always looking for bigger better ways at managing our time, I started my slow dive into becoming a master of time management with this post.
The first few months of 2014 were some pretty tired ones for this house! We dealt with some serious toddler sleep regression.
Those were my top posts for all of 2014. It was really fun to go through my archives and see everything I had written. Because, believe it or not, it’s easy to forget everything – especially when your life is so busy. 🙂