A Day of Fun at the Rochester Museum & Science Center

**My family did receive tickets to the RMSC, but all opinions are my own.**

Wow, guys! It has been ages since I last wrote on Baby Doodah. I looked at my last post and that was back on 8/3/15. Seriously!

We’ve had a busy, fun summer, life has been absolutely grand and my business is growing quite steadily. I’m happy! 🙂

A quick sidenote, before I get into the real reason that I am writing today, I am shifting blogging gears. As I mentioned, I haven’t been blogging here, and honestly I haven’t written a blog post anywhere in quite some time, but I am starting a new blog, a self-branded blog – JillianOKeefe.com. If you do happen to pop over there, don’t expect much, it is still DEEP in the works. But, I’ve been talking about doing it for awhile and I finally put my talking into ACTION!

Now, onto the real reason why I’m writing. 🙂

A Day of Fun at the Rochester Museum & Science Center

Recently we were invited by RMSC to come visit their facilities. Rochester is only an hour away, so it’s fun to make a day trip out of activities like this. So, we packed up and headed out bright and early. We wanted to get there right about when they were opening, so that we could really get to see what the museum had to offer.

We were concerned that it would get so busy that Emmett wouldn’t be able to enjoy himself. However, now I can honestly say that we had no reason to worry. That isn’t because it wasn’t busy, there were plenty of people there, but because there is SO MUCH to do.

If one area was crowded, Emmett could just bop on over to something else.

Emmett was stoked, and the second we were checked-in he was off to the Adventure Zone Exhibit. Man, did he have a blast. Emmett has always had a thing for water – He loves playing with it and in it, so he spent a good deal of time playing with the mock-up of the Erie Canal lock. I have to be honest, though, my pictures from that day aren’t the greatest… my child does NOT stand still for long. 🙂

RMSC VisitWe spent a good deal of time in the Adventure Zone, because there was oodles of hands on things for Emmett to take part in. There was a model roller coaster for him to watch, a climbing trail that took you up to an area near the ceiling (Emmett wasn’t brave enough for this), a pulley lift, a rock climbing wall, and a really cool tool that showed how clouds worked. It was a ton of fun!

After that we made our way upstairs where Science on a Sphere takes place. It was really neat to watch the different videos that appeared on the sphere.

This picture doesn’t do the sphere justice, but I thought it was pretty cute, with my little guy’s head.


Once done with the sphere, we headed onto the ENERGIZE exhibit, which was MY personal favorite. Everything was hands on, but there were so many different activities to explore. I feel like we spent a good majority of our time in this room. They have bicycles set up that you peddle and light up different light bulbs. They had a harp that was “magic,” different ways to transmit sound using lasers, seriously so much more!


One exhibit that is fantastic, but where we didn’t spend a lot of time, is the Inventor Center. The goal is to engineer different types of vehicles and then harness the wind tunnels to make it move. Emmett was kind of bored in here, but it wasn’t because of the room, simply because of his age (3). A child 5+ would truly enjoy this room and all that it offers!

An exhibit that I really thought would be a hit with Emmett was the Under Construction: Building Careers, one. But, he just wasn’t into. Honestly, I think that’s because he was getting tired and wanted to nap, which he did as soon as we hit the road. Anyway, the Under Construction exhibit has all sorts of different tools you can use to build with, bricks and a giant crane – some really awesome stuff!

We had a really amazing time and we were all pretty worn out by the time we left for the day.

So, if you’re in the Western NY area and are looking for something fun to do, especially now that the colder temps are on the way, you should definitely take the time to visit the Rochester Museum & Science Center. It is WELL worth it!

**A special thank you to RMSC and Dixon Schwabl for generously supplying us with an amazing afternoon, spent as a family.


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