Meal Plan After a Holiday

How was your Thanksgiving? Did you get totally derailed, or do you feel pretty good about the choices you made? Either way, there’s no need to beat yourself up, having a healthy relationship with food won’t occur until you accept yourself. So, if you overate, accept that you did and then use today to make your meal plan for the week, shop and then prep your food. Don’t let a few bad days catapult into a bad month.

[Tweet “One meal will NEVER cause you to gain weight. Remind yourself of that if you step on the scale! “]

I actually just posted about how you can focus on celebrating the holidays NOT the food. Check it out for more details on how I’m conquering my bad relationship with food.

Meal Plan After a Holiday - Baby Doodah

I had a pretty fantastic Thanksgiving! It was quiet and very stress-free. My in-laws typically hold Thanksgiving and with everyone there it can get overwhelming, but this year my mother-in-law decided to just have us, and it was perfect. We were able to talk and Emmett was able to be goofy without worrying about disrupting people (he’s definitely a 2 year old, he’s loud and busy and nothing will change that, nor do I want to).

My father-in-law wasn’t feeling well on Thanksgiving, but since we were there for a few days, he was able to spend some time with Emmett on Friday and then on Saturday morning before we hit the road.

We had a nice time, but I’m ready to get back to our normal routine. We grocery shopped last night so we don’t need to worry about it today, and then we can use today to get caught up on laundry (of which there is TONS), and other cleaning that needs to be done. OH, and we’ll probably watch lots of TV to relax!!

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Our Meal Plan

Sunday: Greek Meatballs & Spinach

Monday: Fettuccine Alfredo Spaghetti Squash (carry over)

Tuesday: Rotisserie Chicken (my MIL got this one from Sam’s club, they are THE best here) & Potatoes

Wednesday: Smoked Pork Loin & baked Broccoli

Thursday: Steak Subs & Baked Fries

Friday: Homemade Pizzas

Saturday: Grocery Shop

I am absolutely LOVING my menu this week!! Yummy in my tummy!!

I’ve been finding that we’ve been repeating a lot of meals lately, sometimes that bothers me and sometimes it doesn’t. Right now, I’m okay with it. Something about the cooler weather makes me want comfort food. There aren’t a whole lot of healthy comfort food options, so I’ll take the ones that we’ve found and RUN with it. 🙂

Your turn!

How did your Thanksgiving eating go? Are you working on getting back on track this week, too? 

What’s on your menu? I’m always looking for new meal ideas.

Share in the comments below!

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I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from

2 Responses to Meal Plan After a Holiday

  1. I so agree! I enjoyed myself on Thanksgiving and now I’m just eating a little cleaner to make up for it 🙂

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