Let’s Talk – Some Changes & a Meal Plan

Life is full of changes, and I don’t always cope so well with them – but if I want to become a successful solopreneur certain things need to evolve.

Changes in How I Do Business with my Blog.

I have always enjoyed blogging, I’ve had 3 or 4 different blogs in my lifetime, and I’ve enjoyed writing for each one, but I always seemed to run out of post ideas. I never looked at the full picture, or the different angles that a topic can come from. Even with Baby Doodah! I haven’t fully grasped how many readers I could reach if I just buckle down and really look at this like a business. Yes, it is a hobby and I enjoy every single minute that I get to be at the keyboard, writing (90% of the time), but I do want to gain audience members, too.

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of reading, learning and personal development. I’ve been reading blog upon blog about how important it is to have a business plan for your blog. That is literally something I NEVER considered for my blog, in fact – even right now – I have NO Idea how to go about doing that. I have an idea, but I am one of those people who needs specific instructions before I can move forward.

I’ve managed to find a couple of fantastic resources (here are a few for your viewing pleasure, How to Build a Blog Business Plan and How to Create a Successful Business Plan for Your Blog) that will help guide me in the right direction, and I can’t wait to get started. It’s essentially grown-up homework for something that I really enjoy doing, that can only lead to success. Right!?

Things around the blog won’t be TOO different from the outside. I’m thinking I will change the days that I regularly post, right now I aim for Sun-M-W-F, and then my weekend link-up post. I am thinking it will be a good idea to switch to Sun-Tues-Thurs and my weekend link-up. I will be posting less, but my content will be more in-depth, I won’t feel rushed to pump out a blog post so that I can meet my own expectations and those of my readers. I’ll be able to spend time gathering information, thinking through and actually writing multiple drafts of posts. It all sounds really exciting to me! I can be such a nerd. HA HA

Anyway, I wanted to come clean to you, my loyal and valued readers. I love keeping you up to date on everything I have planned, because it is you that I write for. I really hope you stick around!!

Kind of random to put these two together, but that’s how I roll…

My Meal Plan

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs & bacon

Lunch: salad with ham and sliced chicken, sunflower seeds, bleu cheese, purple cabbage and honey mustard & baby carrots

Saturday: (we’ve started meal planning and shopping on Saturday evenings) Spaghetti Squash Fettuccine Alfredo

Sunday: Pork Fried Rice (we’ll be having cauliflower rice)

Monday: Rotisserie Chicken & Baked Potatoes

Tuesday: Homemade Steak Sandwiches

Wednesday: Greek Meatballs & Spinach

Thursday: Scrounge Night

Friday: Homemade Pizza

There you have it!! My confession on changes coming and my yummy weekly menu. We do have a lot of repeats this week, but why mess with what’s broken, right!?

I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy, Run Fast! and Jill from jillconyers.com. And, also linking up with the Motivate Me link-up hosted by Janice from Fitness Cheerleader and Rachel from RunningRachel.com.

Your turn!

How do changes of any kind make you feel?

If you are making a meal plan this week, what’s on it?

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9 Responses to Let’s Talk – Some Changes & a Meal Plan

  1. Regina says:

    Jillian, I love this post. Such an honest look at how we need to change how we perceive and approach things in order to really see growth. That, and your meal plan sounds delicious.

    Wishing you success with your new blog schedule. Thank you so much for the link to my site.

    P.S. I love #AdultHomework too.

  2. Hi Jillian, I am so glad you found my blog earlier this year – I’m in the same boat as you, trying to treat the blog as a business. (Though I think you and I may have followed each other before in past blog lives too). Thank you for sharing these resources! I’m sending you an email that you may also find interesting.

    On another note – your meal plan looks awesome! I have a new #MotivateMe Monday link up happening on my blog that you may be interested in linking up to as well. Have a great day and an awesome week!

    All the best,

    • Jillian416 says:

      Hi Janice! I’m really glad I found your blog, too and I’m really excited to join in with your link-up. I’ll keep an eye out for your email, I’m always looking for more information on how to excel as a business owner. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!

  3. Rachel says:

    Looks like a great meal plan! Way to go! Thanks for linking up! 🙂

  4. jill conyers says:

    I love change! Learning all that I can about blogging as a biz so thanks for sharing the links. Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  5. Voncile says:

    It’s a relief to find somenoe who can explain things so well

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