There are tons and tons of articles out there that describe ways to potty train your child, all of them touting to be THE best!
However, what no one ever seems to talk about, is how to know when your child is exhibiting signs that he or she is actually ready to be potty trained. Since it’s not something you can force, I want to take some time today and share some ways to tell when your child is potty train ready!
- Your Child Wakes Up with a Dry Diaper Consistently – If, in the mornings, you go in to get your child and they’re diaper is dry, then you know it might be time to start thinking about potty training. This indicates that your child’s bladder is large enough and strong enough to withstand a night without going to the potty.
- Begins to Take an Interest in Others Using the Bathroom – If your child seems curious when you use the potty or wants to know all about what underwear are, then it is likely time to potty train.
- Gives a Physical or Verbal Sign when Having a Bowel Movement – Obviously if your child stands up and tells you they need to go poop, or are going poop, then you know you should probably consider potty training. But, your child can also show physical signs too, grunting, squatting, or some other obvious signal.
- Can Take Pants On and Off – It may seem like a given, but your child being able to dress and undress themselves will definitely make training easier. Though, a lot of bootcamp potty training methods suggest potty training without wearing pants, and just underwear for 3 days – generally speaking you want your child to be able to know how to dress themselves.
- Is Good at Following Directions – You want to be able to speak to your child and explain what it is you’re trying to get them to do. If your child isn’t good at following simple one-step directions, they may find difficulty in beginning to potty train.
- Has Their Own Words for Bathroom Habits – If your child knows, understands and has words for poop and urine, it’s a safe bet they you can start potty training soon.
- Is in a Generally Agreeable Stage – If your child is saying no no no to EVERYTHING, then it’s probably not the time to start potty training. However, if they’re generally happy, listen and follow directions well, then think about buying that little potty for your little cutie.
Is your toddler now exhibiting any or all of these signs?? It’s time to start potty training!! Becky Mansfield has written an awesome book, Potty Train in a Weekend, click here to view more details. The book is $9.99! We will be using it for Emmett, once the time is right!
Your turn!
Have you potty trained your child?
If so, what method did you use?
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I just finished potty training my daughter (well, I’m not sure when we’re finished, we do have the occasional accident). But I’m definitely on board with waiting until they’re ready. I hear lots of people tell me it took them months to train their child and all I can think is that their child probably wasn’t ready until the end. I’ve heard great things about this book. It’s helped a lot of parents.
Thank you for linking up with Creative Style Linkup! Have a blessed weekend!
Your co-host, April
Hey April! I agree, if it takes that long to potty train, they’re likely not ready. Emmett will occasionally tell me when he has pooped, but it doesn’t happen every time. So we’ll wait it out a bit longer. I don’t mind, sure I’d love to save money on diapers, but it’s really not that big of a hassle to change him. Thanks for visiting!!!
My toddler is about to be three at the end of the month. We have been working on potty training. Very casually I might add. I feel like I need to be trained on training her so thank you for sharing these tips and information! Visiting from the TGIF Blog & Instagram Hop. Thanks for linking up!
My pleasure, Jessica! Potty training is such a personal thing to do w/ your little one. Good luck!! And I hope these tips help!
[…] Baked Donuts from The Household Hero // 6 Ways to Teach Your Child to Tell Time from Mom Blog // Is Your Child Ready to Potty Train from Baby […]
I think it’s funny that even with this I’ve taken to the he’ll tell me when he’s ready method. I’m in no rush to do it because I am homeschooling and I think things will go a lot more smoothly if I just let him tell me. I’ve heard several moms of 3 year old boys who have finally heard “mom, I’m ready.” I know many people take to some sort of training, but I think this works best for us. He actually seems about ready according to all of these signs. 🙂 This was a great guide for our readers at the Creative Style Linkup. Thanks for sharing it!
My pleasure Brittnei!! Thanks for visiting! I’m right there w/ you on not rushing. Emmett is showing many of the signs, but I just don’t see the rush. Sure it would save us some money, but if he’s just not ready it won’t work anyway. He’ll get frustrated, we’ll get frustrated and it will be a disaster. He’s been pretty good about telling us when he’s ready to do things (ie: wean from breast, solids, etc), so I don’t see this any differently. 🙂
[…] Baked Donuts from The Household Hero // 6 Ways to Teach Your Child to Tell Time from Mom Blog // Is Your Child Ready to Potty Train from Baby Doodah Please add our button to your page to help spread the word about Time for […]
[…] You can read my post about determining if your toddler is potty train ready, here. […]
[…] Is Your Toddler Ready for Potty Training? […]