A Couple Things

Hey everybody! It’s been a little while since I’ve done one of my “couple things” posts. I thought I’d take this opportunity to do just that.

1. Fitness Fridays – They’re going to be a little different around here. Kathy, my co-host has decided to take a break from writing on her blog for a “to be determined length of time.” If you were an avid reader or visitor of her blog, be sure to stop on over and wish her well!!

In the meantime, I am planning on continuing with Fitness Fridays, with a break today because I wanted to cover a couple things. 🙂 I also will be doing some brainstorming on how to make it bigger. I don’t want anything huge, but I’d like to reach more blogs, get more people to link-up or get involved. If you’re interested in teaming-up, feel free to comment below or email me at jillianokeefe1022@gmail.com

2. TheSkimm – I am deeply in love with TheSkimm. Every morning, Monday-Friday, I get an email in my inbox, BRIGHT AND EARLY, with a rundown on the day’s news. Now, you’re probably wondering why you would want to sign-up for something new when you have the internet at your disposal. Well here’s the answer, #1 TheSkimm is free to sign-up for and #2, the news descriptions they provide are brief, to the point and explained in a manner that anyone can understand. I have felt tremendously more educated about the world’s events since joining them. Below is a snapshot of what their daily email looks like.


3. Beachbody – I am slowly but surely working and learning the ropes of the Beachbody community. It’s a lot of fun and I’m learning SO much. I actually just ordered the 3 Day Refresh and PiYO. I can’t wait to receive them!! I also have a 13 day clean eating challenge beginning on August 4th. If you’re interested in learning more about it, please comment below or email me. I’d be happy to send along the information, I just need commitment by July 28th.

4. A GIVEAWAY! Yay! My final update for today is that I’m joining Logan from Logan Can… in celebrating her 2 year blogaversary! She’s hosting a really great giveaway that you NEED to be a part of. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and be sure to stop over to her blog and say HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY, Logan!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Your turn!

What are a couple things from your world?

What was the best part of your week?


7 Responses to A Couple Things

  1. I’ve heard good things about TheSkimm. I really do need to check it out. 🙂

    • Jillian416 says:

      You totally should, Alyssa!! A lot of the news can be depressing, but even when serious stuff is going on, they keep it light enough to handle, but still give you the facts. Plus, it’s free!

  2. Hmmm, a couple things, let’s see…
    My hubby’s car broke down… again! Meh
    One of our peeps fixed it for way less.

    Best part? My last blog post went totally absolutely crazy! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up at Merry Monday! Happy Weekend!

  3. Mrs. AOK says:

    A Couple Things:
    Thank you for hosting Mommy Monday.
    I’ve never heard of The Skimm, so perhaps I should get out from underneath my rock.
    I’d love to learn more about Fitness Friday, I could always work on that 🙂
    Wishing you a lovely week!

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