What I Ate Wednesday in the New Home

It’s Wednesday, so that means What I Ate Wednesday time.

Hey everyone! I’m really excited to do my first What I Ate Wednesday in our new home. Even though my meals aren’t really any different, where we cook is, plus I am REALLY excited about my lunch today, you’ll see the pictures in a few.

So what’s been going on in our world? In a word, unpacking. I am definitely not complaining, I’m happy to have the move done because now we get to settle again, and I miss feeling like I’m in a home. We’ve already done a few planning things as far as decorating, the first was going out to buy our new couch, since our old one didn’t fit. The second thing Seamus and I have been doing is envisioning what we would like our place to look like. Our first two apartments didn’t really have a cohesion to them, we just put stuff on the walls, but the colors didn’t match or the “theme” did flow. In this place, I’d really like to take the time to go room by room and decorate with thought (don’t worry as this progresses, I’ll be sharing my journey). I really want my home to feel cozy and warm, and since we’re starting with a brand new fresh slate, this is the perfect time to do it!

Now… Onto What I Ate Wednesday

I started the morning with a handful of grapes and my usual big ole coffee. Coffee makes me so happy!


Breakfast was a delicious gluten-free sesame bagel with egg and American cheese. I know that American cheese is not even really cheese, but I just love the way it tastes on a breakfast sandwich. Yum!


Then once I got to work I had my (delicious) second cup of coffee and a nanner.


I had a lot of meetings this morning, so ended up skipping snack and jumping right into my absolutely delicious lunch. Chicken Tacos to Die For – try this NOW!! Seriously, add this to your menu next week, it is AHHH-MAZING!


My afternoon snack was some delicious green grapes and a couple of Laughing Cow Baby Bella. I love these things, I could probably eat 10 of them in a sitting, which is why I only pack 2 at a time. 🙂



Dinner was one of my recent favorites, steak with chickpeas and tomato salad. I just drool when I know I get to eat it, I ate it so quickly that I didn’t even get a picture, sorry about that.

Alrighty, that about does it for this week’s What I Ate Wednesday.

Thanks to Jenn from Peas and Crayons for hosting!

Your turn!

Do you Love coffee?

What are some of your current eats? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below.


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