Dear Emmett – 20 Months

**This is a month late, Emmett will be turning 21 months tomorrow, but I wanted to get this posted, despite the delay.**

We are well into April and Emmett celebrated 20 months a few weeks back, however I still wanted to write and get the memories out there.

Oh sweet sweet Emmett, I am beyond shocked that we’ve hit the 20 month mark. You continue to grow and change on a daily basis and are slowly becoming a little boy, and not my tiny baby. Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled that you are growing so well and developing, I just can’t believe how quickly time continues to go.

Your Yellow Duck School Picture

Your Yellow Duck School Picture

I love you so deeply, and staring at you while you read or play has become one of my biggest hobbies. You have such a particular way of doing things, and I don’t quite understand what that way is yet, so it’s such fun to just watch you, as you learn. There were several times this month where you’d leave the room we were all in and go to your bedroom, when we would peek in to check on you, you’d be surrounded by your books, with one in hand, flipping through it. Or you would climb into your rocker and read to yourself there. It makes me so happy that you love books so much!

We all went through quite the upheaval this month, we spent the majority of it packing and despite any boredom you may have been experiencing, you were such a good little boy. We had to remind you to stop touching something, or to stop climbing, but overall you were so good considering your life was changing all around you. There were even moments when you would be so interested in what your dad or I were doing, that you’d help. There were several times when I’d be packing a box of your stuff and you’d come over and start handing me things to put in the box. You’re often so helpful!


However, I have to be honest, this month can’t be mentioned without sharing that you had some major meltdowns this month. You’re definitely getting to an age where you want to be independent on some stuff and when your dad or I keep you from expressing that independence (usually because it would harm you), you get very angry. At this point, I still think your tantrums are pretty cute. You stomp your legs, cry very hard and occasionally throw yourself on the ground. It ends pretty quickly, and has yet to happen in public, so right now, when they happen I let them run their course and then give you a hug and explain why you can’t do what you want to do. By then, your anger is usually forgotten. Like I mentioned, your’e a really good boy!

Food-wise, you’re still a great eater on the majority of days. Certain days you won’t like what your dad or I cooked, or you just won’t be in the mood to eat, but overall you’ll try anything we give you, at least once. St. Patrick’s Day fell in this month and you just LOVED corned beef, potatoes and cabbage. You went to town on ALL of it, (you can read about your other favorite foods here).


You’re still loving day care, and actually can say a couple of the other children’s names. It’s so fun to hear you repeat them, and I love that you still enjoy going to day care. It makes taking you so much easier! You adore your teacher, and she’s so kind to you. I will be sad when it comes time for you to move up, but we have a little while, yet.

Hugs and kisses are still your thing, and you give them to your dad and I pretty freely, which makes us endlessly happy. There’s nothing better than when you run around the house say, “Ugg, ugg, ugg.” (That’s how you say hug right now.)


You’ve also learned a ton of new words, but Emmett I’m really sorry, I kept terrible track of which words were new this month. I promise that I’ll start keeping better track, because it will be really fun to read these facts when you’re older.

Well Emmett, I think I’ll hit publish now because I’m a late posting this. I love you so so soooo much, and wish loads and loads of happiness for you!

Love, Mommy!

2 Responses to Dear Emmett – 20 Months

  1. Shelly says:

    This is super cute. 🙂 I like that you do this b/c he can look back on this and see how much his mommy and daddy love him and you can look back to remember these wonderful times! 🙂

    • Jillian416 says:

      Thanks Shelly! That’s the prime reason I started doing these. I struggled to get motivated to complete Emmett’s baby book, but found that using the blog was just as effective. I’m so glad you visited! Stop by again!

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