Sunday Meal Plan – Week 9

Yeah, I realize that it’s not Sunday, but we still needed to meal plan, so we did it today.

After a long weekend of packing, moving and now unpacking, I was ready to sit down and meal plan, unfortunately it didn’t quite happen that way because we still had plenty of unpacking to do. What ended up happening was us taking Emmett to day care, a quickly thrown together meal plan, and then a day full of unpacking (and it’s still not even close to being done).

For the past few weeks I’ve been using these great meal plan sheets, but in the move I lost them and haven’t found their box yet. Needless to say, planning wasn’t as fun as it has been, and we definitely forgot a few things. Either way, the shopping got done and we now have a fully stocked fridge with loads of yummy goodness.


 This Week’s “Thrown together” Meal Plan

Monday – Scrounge around house

Tuesday – Crock-post salsa chicken fajitas

Wednesday – Steak with chick pea, tomato & feta salad

Thursday – Homemade Hamburgers and Fries

Friday – Marinated Chicken and Brussel Sprouts

Saturday – Homemade Pizza with Veggies

That’s it, that’s my meal plan. It’s actually shaping up to be a yummy week, despite it being thrown together at the last minute.

Thankfully I am off tomorrow, and will be spending the day unpacking. There’s so much to do, but slowly but surely, box by box, we’re getting through it.

As usual, I’m linking up with Laura from Mommy Run Fast and Jill from Jill Conyers.

Your turn!

What’s on your menu for the week? I’d love to hear your plans, in the comments below.


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