Moving Day!

Tomorrow’s moving day!

Can you believe that? That means that a month has flown by in the blink of an eye and we’re now going to be living in a new home.

On my ride into work this morning, I got to thinking – this would be my last time taking that path into work. It was weird! I’ve lived in the city of Buffalo since I moved here for college in 1999, different apartments, but still lived in the city. I’ve worked at my company for 8 years, so that means I’ve been taking the exact same ride into work 5 days a week for 8 years. That kind of blows my mind!

Our new apartment is very near to my job and will take just a few minutes to get there. I can’t say that I’ll miss the commute, because even though it only takes 20 to 30 minutes, having that extra time to spend with Emmett in the mornings, will be awesome.

I’m feeling very bittersweet about our move. I can’t wait to be in the suburbs, to be near to so many beautiful parks, a great school district for Emmett and a quieter street, but I can’t help but be a little sentimental about our current place. It was the place where Emmett had all of his baby and toddler firsts. The first time he smiled, rolled over, crawled, walked… They all happened in this house. I do realize that there will be many many more firsts and that once we’re moved and settled I’ll feel very differently, but for now, I feel bittersweet.

Enough about how I’m feeling, back to the move. I think we’re pretty much ready, most everything is packed and we’ll finish what’s not, tonight and tomorrow, we get our keys tonight, the movers come at 9am tomorrow, the electric and gas are set to turn to Seamus’ name tomorrow, cable (Time Warner) comes tomorrow evening to turn our cable and internet on, and our brand new washer and dryer will be delivered some time Saturday. We’re rip rarin’ to go and I am excited!

I literally feel like our lives have been on hold for a month, simply because of how busy we’ve been with packing. I know people make time for what’s important, but it has taken us so long to get ready for this move, that this blog and other fun things in my life have fallen to the side. My hope is that after the move, and after we do some unpacking, I can get back to the fun. I miss it!

Alright, I better get back to the packing; we still have a bit more to go.  See yah on the flip side!

Your turn!

What moving day stories do you have to share?

Any tips for moving day for us?

2 Responses to Moving Day!

  1. Diana says:

    Good luck! Can’t wait to see pics of the new place!

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