I’ve hit a huge milestone, this is my 300th post!
Readers! Can you believe it? We’ve made it 300 posts, I’m so so excited to be celebrating this. I’ve started blogs in the past but they quickly fizzled, but I have found a passion in writing this blog and love every single minute of my time spent here. I also want to thank all of my readers because, writing everyday is more fun, knowing I have a dedicated audience. So…THANKS!
In honor of this momentous occasion, I thought that I’d share some of my favorites from the last 100 posts and also share some of your favorites!
Happy 300th Post Baby Doodah!
I think I’ll start with the most popular posts because many of those were my favorite too.
First up, the most important to me has been my admission to suffering with Binge Eating Disorder. Since coming clean on the blog, I have become more conscious of choices I make with food. I’m in no way “cured” but I am working slowly but surely, to that point.
You can read the posts that I’ve published so far, by clicking here, but start with this one, it’s my original post.
Another recent favorite of mine, and of my readers has been my series on Moving with a Toddler. Just a brief description – We found out that our landlord was selling the house we’re living in, and that we’d need to be out by the end of April. We immediately started looking for a place to live, which spurred me to write about moving with Emmett. Moving as an adult is tough, so adding a toddler into the mix is very different and I wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. I came up with some great tips, though.
You can read my moving with a toddler post, here and my packing with a toddler post, here. There are more to come, as our move continues!
I’m always a sucker for my Dear Emmett posts. If you haven’t read one before, typically I write them monthly, and they’re a letter to Emmett, sharing everything that he did over the past month. Any developments or changes that he’s made, things like that. I love looking back on them already, I can’t imagine what it will be like when he’s 18 and going to college.
Dear Emmett – 15 months, {16, 17 and 18 months}, 19 months
Another fun post was my list of Valentine’s Activities for Toddlers.
I was pretty excited to roll out my new format for my link-up, My Finds Friday! Lasts week’s is still open if you’d like to link-up.
And finally…
My absolute favorite most recent post would have to be, this one. The video still makes me laugh and smile!
Your turn!
I’d love to hear what some of your favorite posts have been from my blog! Share in the comments below!
If you’d like to read my post celebrating 200 posts, check it out here.
Jillian, congratulations on such a great milestone! 🙂 Thank you for linking up with us at TGIF Blog Hop.
Thank you Silvie!! Thanks for stopping by!