Weekly Wishes – Vacation Edition

Oh yes, it is Weekly Wishes time again!

Weekly Wishes is a link-up started by Melyssa from The Nectar Collective. It is a place where you can post and share you wishes and goals for the week ahead on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter account, etc and then link it up on Melyssa’s blog. I LOVE doing this because it holds me accountable for the week ahead. I’ve shared my goals with the world (through my blog) and I know people will read and wonder whether I stuck to my goals. It definitely keeps me honest!

I’ve been trying to keep a really positive attitude about Mondays in general, but I am really REALLY psyched about this one – it’s my first day of vacation! We don’t have any major plans, other than a trip to the Museum of Play in Rochester, so long as the weather cooperates, and probably some deep cleaning of our house, but otherwise it will be a relaxing time. We’re going to send Emmett to day care on a couple of days, but we’ll also spend some time as a family. My goal is to not think about work for the entire week, help keep me accountable!


This is my boy, a dare devil through and through. He has never shown fear when it comes to doing an activity, so when I saw him doing a dare devil stunt, reserved for the likes of Joie Chitwood, I truly was not surprised. However, I did feel it necessary to share with my readers. 😀

And Now, Weekly Wishes…

 Last Week’s Wishes

I wanted to keep up with my chores, so that I wouldn’t need to worry about them all over the weekend. I did a couple of loads of laundry, but I definitely could have done more – so this isn’t a complete win.

Next up, I wanted to stick to my workout schedule that I had put together last Sunday. Yeah, no such luck. I went Monday, and then the rest of the week was a total bust. I hate that I just quit so easily.

My final goal from last week was to get up as close to my wake-up time as possible on the weekend. I did it! I was up by 6, instead of 8, and today I was up at 5:30. I love waking up early and getting things started on the right foot.

This Week’s Wishes

  •  Try and keep work out of my mind. It will be difficult, but I’d like to keep work and the stresses of work out of my mind. I really want to try and relax this week, so that I return to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on the work.
  • Buckle down and get some great content written. I have so many different post ideas started, and waiting to get started, that sitting down and just batch writing would do me some good.
  • Keep ahead of all of my chores. Even though this is a vacation, I would like to stay ahead of my weekly chores and do some deep cleaning of the rest of the house. I say this a lot, our house isn’t dirty, it’s just cluttered. And even though we live in an apartment, we have no excuse because we have plenty of basement storage space. For my own sanities sake, I need to get rid of some of the crap.

Okay, that about does it! Help keep me accountable and check-in with The Nectar Collective.

The Nectar Collective

 Your turn!

What are some of your favorite things to do while on vacation?

I’d love to hear some of your goals – share in the comments below.


4 Responses to Weekly Wishes – Vacation Edition

  1. Cole says:

    I always seem to spend my vacations catching up on all the chores and errands I neglect while I’m in school/working. Good luck on your goals!

    • Jillian416 says:

      Hey Cole! It kind of sucks to to use vacation for that, yah know!? But it needs to get done, so you do what you need to.

    • I’m feeling quite the opposite; I squish everything into the week and then become a lazy bum on the weekend. Thinking about how there are 5 weekdays and 2 weekend days, I think I should switch it around a bit.

      • Jillian416 says:

        Hi Stephanie! I totally miss being a lazy bum on the weekends, my son keeps me too too busy, though. 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by.

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