My Finds Friday – A New Take – Link up

Time to switch My Finds Friday up a bit!

If you’re a regular reader, then you’ve probably noticed that for the past few weeks I’ve skipped posting My Finds Friday, and you may be wondering why.

Simply put – I was getting bored with it.

I was still finding articles and blogs that I wanted to share with you, I just had no desire to come to my blog and post about it. When you start to feel like you don’t want to blog about something, you need to either stop writing about that, or take a break because that lack of desire, is a scary road. It can often lead to a blogger dreading writing altogether, and I didn’t want to reach that point, so I went on hiatus.

However I’m back, and I’m switching things up a smidge.

In previous My Finds Friday, I would only share links to articles from around the web that I was finding interesting. Now, my goal is to share ANYTHING that I see over the past week that I feel my readers would benefit from. So let’s get this party started, and liven things up around here!

My Finds Friday – Lovin’ on You!

Top three Blog Articles I’m lovin’

Video of the Week

This is hilarious! Here’s an article that talks a little bit about it, I recommend you read the article first, before you watch the video.

Workout of The Week

7-Minute HIIT Workout by FitSugar

As I continue to progress My Finds Friday, things may get switched up or added, but I want it to be more comprehensive, so I want to experiment.

Baby Doodah

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite finds from the past week?

Do you like the new My Finds Friday format? What do you think should be added or removed?

Please join in and link-up below!



6 Responses to My Finds Friday – A New Take – Link up

  1. Stephanie says:

    I was so surprised to see my post on here! What a great way to start off my weekend! Thank you so much!

  2. I love this! I subscribe to A LOT of RSS feeds and “favourite” a bunch of them to share, but I never get around to sharing them, I should link up to Friday Finds with you. Where did you find the pro-breastfeeding video? I love it!

    • Jillian416 says:

      I’d love if you linked up, Janice! I’ll be switching to photos linkys next week, so it’ll be even better. 🙂

      Someone on FB shared the video and I fell in love!

  3. I feel like my week went so fast that I didn’t find anything intellectually provocative? Not to demean the amazing articles you linked to (which were great reads and very thought provoking and heart-warming), but I did find a gift card and a great deal on a pair of earrings!

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