What I Ate Wednesday – #22

It’s Wednesday, and that means it’s What I Ate Wednesday time again.

I know for the last few weeks I’ve been discussing my Binge Eating Disorder, and how I am coping – this week I am taking a break from that, and just doing a regular old What I Ate Wednesday. I figured, it’s been awhile since I posted one, everyone MUST be curious to what I’ve been eating lately, right!? 😉

Alright, onto my Wednesday Eats…

My morning started out as it normally does, with a delicious HOT cup of Joe.


I don’t know about some people, but once I start getting tired (around 8 pm) and worn out, I start dreading all of my chores that I still need to get done. However, there is one chore that I never mind completing – making my coffee for the next day! All I need to do is think about what a zombie I would be without it, or sitting on the couch blogging and not having it next to me, and I immediately run to the coffee maker and get it prepped for it’s 4:40 am wake-up call.

My breakfast has been the same lately, a bagel with 1 egg and a slice of cheese. Nothing fancy, but it keeps me from running immediately to the drive-thru upon leaving the house, sadly no picture was taken since it was eaten on the road.

I skipped a snack today because I was busy when I usually eat, and when I did have time to eat it was almost lunchtime. I knew I was headed out to Giancarlo’s, and I really love that place.  I had a panini with grilled chicken, bacon, a smoked paprika aioli and Gorgonzola, it was delicious but by the time it got to our table it was pretty cold. Ah well, least it tasted good!

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Dinner was a quick and easy one. We made Mexican Pizzas, ate quick and then actually had time to play as a family. That hasn’t happened since Sunday. Busy Busy Busy!

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I’m sure if you live anywhere, you know it’s been cold in the North East. I honestly haven’t really complained about it because I don’t mind winter or snow, but today was brutal. I had to pump gas because I was at a half of tank and I don’t like going below that. While I was standing there pumping, I was squinting my eyes so I could avoid some of the wind and snow. The wind was so strong and the air so cold that I started to get a brain freeze, gosh darn-it, that hurt!


View from my office window.

Alright, well that about does it for my Wednesday eats – be sure to stop over and visit Jenn of Peas and Crayons and link it up!

Your turn!

What are some of your favorite work lunches? I need something fresh and new!



2 Responses to What I Ate Wednesday – #22

  1. Those pizzas look really good!

    I usually take a shredded chicken/ground turkey, veggie and rice mix. Top it all off with avocado! Because avocado is the best 😉

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