Picture Post – Holidays

The holidays flew by in what seemed like a blink of the eye, but we did our best to celebrate to the fullest.

**Warning: This will be a picture heavy post.**

Back in my Thanksgiving post, I mentioned that the holidays would be a bit different for us then they have been in the past. Typically we celebrate Christmas Eve at my parent’s house and do this huge Wigilia celebration. Actually, up until about 4 or 5 years ago, the celebration was at my grandmother’s house, and I looked forward to that more than any other day of the year. The traditions just abounded and it felt so good being around my family. This year, we unfortunately could not celebrate with a Wigilia meal because I had to work Christmas Eve, and traveling with Emmett that evening just wouldn’t have been feasible. Instead, we attempted to have our own meal, but it just wasn’t the same. Maybe we’ll be able to make it down to my parent’s house next year to celebrate, but only time will tell.


Christmas morning was wonderful! We woke up, and spent time in bed, cuddling with Emmett. He drank his milk and then it was almost as if he knew something was different, he started whining to get down. Once down, he ran into the living and started whining to open gifts, smart little boy, I tell yah!


In the afternoon we made a quick trip to visit my parents and open gifts with them. It was pretty relaxing visit, which is good because by the end of the night Emmett was very obviously starting to feel crappy and getting a fever. 🙁


Santa also made a visit, but the babies were not happy.

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The rest of the holidays were spent between work and Seamus/Emmett time (there’s nothing better)!

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She's single & educated!

She’s single & educated!

My sister was joking around on Christmas, asking whether her outfit was pretty enough for the blog. Then she stated I should take a nice picture of her and put it on the blog, letting people know she’s single. Welp, there yah go, Bridget! HAHA

We had a great time seeing my niece and her parents, just wish we’d had more time together.

Your turn!

How did you spend your holidays?



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