My Finds Friday – Thankful

Let’s be thankful!

I believe that you should always be thankful for things in your life, but November is an especially good time to look back over your life and share what you are grateful for. I thought this week’s My Finds Friday would be dedicated to being thankful and how to celebrate the thanks you want to give.

thankful projectI am also linking up up with Chasing Happy blog and her Thankful Project. Today’s prompt is to share “A Person” you are thankful for. This is such a difficult prompt for me, I am so fortunate to have some amazing people in my life and there is a reason to be grateful for each one of them.


Since I write so much about Emmett on this blog and you know how much I love him, because I spew it constantly, I’m going to go with Seamus. He has been an amazing person in my life since we met, but especially over the last year as we’ve grown together as parents. We’ve absolutely had our growing pains, but overall, there is so much love between us. He is so good at taking me from a deep, dark mood to one where I am laughing hysterically. He almost always instinctively knows what I need in a situation or even how to diffuse a one, if it should get blown out of proportion. I love him and am thankful nearly everyday that he answered the email I sent him (yes, we met online). I look forward to seeing what our long, exciting life will bring us.

Next up, My Finds Friday – Thankful

  • Some of these steps might seem like common sense, but sometimes we all need a reminder on how we can be more content with what we have and where we are in our lives. wikiHow provides some great ways to be more thankful for things in your life.
  • Every so often we need a reminder on what things in our lives that are good and should be thought of as such. This is a list of 60 Things to be Grateful for in Life.
  • A list of 8 Things You Forgot to be Thankful For. Seriously, check this list out!
  • I’m thankful for the blog, Outfit Posts. The author posts an outfit almost everyday and I have gotten COUNTLESS work outfit ideas from her blog. I love mixing up my outfits and she has helped me do that! Check her out!
  • And finally, I am thankful for recipes like this Stuffed Acorn Squash, from Emily Bites.

Alrighty, that about rounds out My Finds Friday for this week. Be sure to click on over to all the links above and the share any of your finds, using the link below.

Want to check out previous posts of My Finds Friday? Click here.

2 Responses to My Finds Friday – Thankful

  1. Ellie Coburn says:

    Thanks so much for sharing! I’m also part of The Thankful Project this November and would love to read more of your work as the month progresses!

    You can check out my blog at if you’d like! Wishing you all the best!!


    • Jillian416 says:

      Thanks for visiting Ellie!! I am absolutely loving Kenzie’s Thankful Project. It is reminding me of all that I have to be thankful for.

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