Busy Weekend

My oh my, what a busy weekend!

Hi readers! I hope you are all having a really great weekend. We’re nearing the end of ours, it was a good one, just very busy. Thankfully Emmett is finally feeling better. He woke up yesterday morning with a slight fever but after some Tylenol it was down to normal level and hasn’t come back since. We are officially 24 hrs without a fever! Yay! This is the first time since last Wednesday that his temperature has been normal without some sort of medicine in him, it is such a relief to have my fun, goofy boy back.

As I mentioned earlier, we had a busy weekend, my husband’s parents came into town for a Tae Kwon Do tournament, so we spent lots of time with them. Seamus’ mom came over with loads of surprises for Emmett. We hung out for awhile and then went to a yummy lunch at Panera. Emmett was super cute the whole time, except that he was a real troublemaker, he was putting on a show for grandma. After lunch, we did a little shopping and then headed home for a nap.

busy-weekend-1Later that evening we met up with them for dinner, where Emmett continued to be a pain in the dupa. When we go out he will often throw toys and a few pieces of food but last night, nearly everything went onto the floor. When he’s getting into trouble he’s cute, he smiles and laughs, it’s so hard to tell him no or to not laugh at him. I struggle with this at home and it’s even harder when we’re out because there are more distractions for him, so he can avoid looking at me or listening. Either way, he ate about two bites of food and everything else ended up on the floor. We came home and he had a second dinner and watched some Sesame Street.

busy-weekend-2Today we met Grandma and Grandpa up for some brunch at the Water Stone Grill. They have a very nice Sunday brunch which is pretty good and varies between breakfast and lunch food, all of which are delicious. We had a lot of fun hanging out and chatting with them before they headed back home. We’ll be seeing them again very soon, on Thanksgiving.

busy-weekendIt is so tough to get pictures of Emmett lately, he loves looking everywhere but the camera. And he also seems to know when we have the camera, on our phones or the real one, ready to take a shot because he will choose that exact moment to look away. His silliness makes me smile, even when he’s being naughty. I just need to hide that smile when he’s getting into trouble. 😉

The rest of the day has been spent doing so much laundry, cuddling on the couch watching football and pulling out and playing with every single toy we own. 🙂 I’m really lucky because Seamus has off tomorrow for Veteran’s day,because he does, he has offered to go grocery shopping for us and I of course said YES.

busy-weekend-3I never mind a busy weekend, so long as I’m able to get the things done that I need to get done and I was able to do that with this one. I’m feeling ready to take on the week ahead!

Your turn!

Did you have a busy weekend?

What fun things did you do?

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