Happy What I Ate Wednesday!
It has been an incredibly stressful week so far but I wanted to make sure I linked-up!
First up, breakfast.
Does anyone else do the same exact breakfast every single day? I feel like there’s something wrong with me that I literally eat 1 egg, a slice of Canadian bacon and a slice of American Cheese on a Whole Wheat English muffin everyday. I guess I tend to switch things up on the weekends, but overall it’s the same thing and I’m not sick of it in the least. I guess I just keep doing what I’m doing, huh?
Man do I look forward to snack time!
Today’s snack was a yummy Clif Bar and a cup of coffee. When you were a kid do you remember adults eating cookies with their coffee, or (gasp) even dunking them? My grandma used to do this a lot and I thought it was disgusting. Now, one of my favorite things to do is to have coffee and something sweet. Yum!
I totally had leftovers. Last night we ordered pizza for dinner and it was all I could do to simply put the slices in a bag for lunch today. Like I mentioned earlier, things are really stressful at work and it’s causing me to feel extremely worn out by the time I get home from work, which ends up meaning leftover pizza for lunch. However, I’m definitely NOT complaining! 😉
Lots of stuff going on at work leads to…
Stress eating!
And finally, dinner.
We marinated some chicken and cooked that on the grill, we had that with some homemade potato pancakes. They were SO good! What can I say? My husband LOVES to cook!
Remember last week when I shared that I’d be joining in with the Spooky Snack & Healthy Halloween Treats, What I Ate Wednesday? Well, instead of sharing pictures of what I’ve made for Halloween, I’ll be sharing links to some of my favorite finds for Halloween treats from around the web. I unfortunately haven’t had any time to make any special treats but I still wanted to join in on the fun.
Emmett loves grapes, so making these grape caterpillars would be so much fun!
Oh my gosh! I wish I was having a Halloween party for kids OR adults. I love the idea of putting plastic spiders in the ice cube trays. It looks so awesome in the drinks!
And just for fun…