What I Ate Wednesday – #9

We are entering our third month of What I Ate Wednesday! How fun!

I woke up in a stupendous (there’s a word you don’t hear regularly) mood. My alarm went off and I dreaded crawling out from my cozy blanket, but I did it anyway. BUT don’t think of me as any kind of hero, because I just went to the couch and slept until quarter to 6. 😀 I just didn’t want to reset my alarm and have it go off again and wake Seamus up. I knew the couch would work just as well for additional sleep for me.

My What I Ate Wednesday Eats:

Breakfast was the same as last week and just like last week, I was so hungry that I ate it before I thought to snap a picture. Either way, I had a whole wheat english muffin with a slice of cheese and a scrambled egg. It was (and always is) delicious!

Snack, (OH MY!) let me tell you about my snack. It was an extremely decadent maple bacon donut. Oh how delicious, and dare I even say pretty, it was. Mmmmm


what-i-ate-wednesday-911-6Does anyone else plan 1 meal for lunch and then just eat that for everyday? I used to try and choose something different so I didn’t get bored but I was spending so much money on groceries and having so much waste, since I wasn’t using everything, that now I just choose one meal for the week. I either make enough for the week on Sundays, or choose something that I can throw together each night while I pack my lunch. This week I did the baked potato and some yogurt.




I grabbed a couple of carrots and a scoop of hummus before I left work. I hate getting hungry in the car, it makes it really difficult to avoid stopping for junk.

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I decided to give Wegmans Cilantro Jalapeno hummus a try! It was really really good, I definitely recommend it.

Dinner was something quick and comforting, ravioli and garlic bread. With getting home from work so late and trying to get in some workouts (or at least a walk), we just don’t have a lot of time. That’s when we tend to settle for something quick and maybe not quite so healthy, we try to have a nice balance. Unfortunately, I forgot to get any pics of dinner. Sorry about that!

I’m pretty sure Emmett enjoyed his meal, what do you think?

what-i-ate-wednesday-911-7And finally, I’m super excited because we finally ordered Emmett’s big boy car seat and it came in today. We haven’t put it in my car yet, but I can’t wait to be done with the infant one, no more lugging that thing (and Emmett) around.


Your turn!

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Thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting, What I Ate Wednesday. Stop on over there, give her some love and LINK UP


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