My Finds Friday – Blogging

This week’s My Finds Friday will be focused on blogging!

Man has it been a week! It isn’t even work that’s been tough, I’ve just been super tired all week, which has made it hard to stay motivated with my posting. I think I did pretty well, though!

Even though I’ve been blogging for about a year now, I still struggle with some of the ins and outs of how everything works, like how to get lots of views or comments. My average daily view is about 40, which isn’t terrible but it isn’t quite where I want to be. I really would like to be seen by more folks, so in that vain I’ve been doing some digging to uncover the secrets on getting views. I’m sure that I’m not the only person who wants to get seen and struggles trying to do that, so I figured it would make a perfect My Finds Friday. I will get the chance to share some of my finds with you, but there are tons out there, so don’t take this as the end all, be all of lists.

 My Finds Friday – Blogging Edition

  • I think we all know that social media is here to stay AND that it is a fantastic way to get your blog noticed. My favorite social medium is Twitter (my handle is @jillianmack), because it’s a quick post and loads of people can see your it. However, I can’t tweet 24/7 because I need to sleep (don’t you?). I came across this blog post that talks about an awesome Word Press plug-in, called Tweetily. Check-out the article to find out all the details about the goodness that is Tweetily, you can thank me later! 😉
  • Another favorite blog of mine is A Writer’s Bucket list, I am constantly finding great tips to use while blogging. I’m a big fan of one of the posts, put up this week, 4 Blog Strategy Blunders that Could Cost You Readers, written by Kelly. The tells you what it’s all about, so go and check it out.
  • Fannetastic Foods, has a really great article about how to work with brands as a blogger. Some seriously great tips, that I had no idea about!
  • Writing is important to me, I enjoy it immensely and sure I want views and to grow, but I don’t just want random clicks, I want visitors who will stay awhile, converse. I want a community! Check-out, 7 Ways to Build a Supportive Community Around Your Blog.
  •, has a wealth of blog tips and they are all full of things that I didn’t know or haven’t tried. Recently he posted, 7 Ways to Increase Traffic to Your Blog. I already knew some of the points that he had made but I hadn’t thought of submitting my link to search engines. I’ve now added that into my advertising strategy for any of my posts.

As I mentioned earlier, this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tips for being a better blogger and getting more views. As I come across more, I’ll be sure to share, but in the meantime, I encourage you to do some of your own research, there is SO much out there.

And just for fun…

Emmett’s paternal grandparents sent him a really nice package today, full of books. He enjoyed looking at them with daddy, but he seemed to like the packaging stuffers more, just like his grandma! 😀


my finds friday - blogging 1Your turn!

What are some of your favorite finds from the last week, blogging related OR otherwise! Share them in the comments or link-up below.

Be sure to check out all of my other My Finds Friday posts!

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