What I Ate Wednesday – #6

I think I say this every Wednesday, but what a busy day it was! It seemed like I was moving non-stop from the moment I awoke and I have the headache and tense neck/shoulders to prove it.

I actually don’t have a lot of pictures, because I didn’t eat a whole lot. I never thought I’d say this but I was literally too busy to eat at times. Crazy, right!?

Breakfast was the same as last week’s:

2 slices of toast
tomatoes (fresh from the farmer’s market, still)
2 plums
a banana


what-i-ate-wednesday-54 what-i-ate-wednesday-51I absolutely love this breakfast, hence why I had it again. It is very filling and just hits all the taste buds!wednesday-2

I skipped a snack today, I honestly just didn’t feel hungry and since my mind was busy, I didn’t really think about food.

Huge win!

Lunch was just kind of thrown together at the last minute because I didn’t want to spend a lot of time cooking or making anything. I just had some Keebler Townhouse Flatbread Sea Salt and Olive Oil crackers and a couple hard boiled eggs.



Dinner was out, at Salsaritas. We had an appointment to view a new day care for Emmett and stopped on the way home. It was absolutely delicious, but it always is when we go there.


All in all it was a really good day, busy, but good! I am amazed at how much less food I eat when I keep myself busy. I’m not just allowing myself to sit around thinking about what I can binge on in the kitchen. It feels good to being working on gaining control of my eating.

Your turn!

What foods did you eat this Wednesday?

Thank you to Peas and Crayons for hosting!

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