Skinny Mom

Readers! I have some very exciting news to share with you…


My Skinny Mom profile pic

I have been chosen to be a Resident Mom on the website, I am so honored and excited!! If you click on this link, Skinny Mom Resident Bloggers and scroll down to the “J’s,” you’ll see my lovely face and my bio, along with any articles I’ve written that have been published.

Skinny Mom is a website where moms can go to get the “Skinny” on “fitness, food, fashion and family.” I will be writing about all sorts of different things for them and I’m thrilled to be a part of their site.

So far two articles of mine have been published, “Limiting Screen Time in a Connected World” and “Take Advantage of the Extra Day Light with Post-Work Workouts,” lots more to come.

Please check out my articles and then bookmark the Skinny Mom website. There is an endless amount of information on the site! One of my favorite features, is the monthly dinner meal plans I get directly in my email box. The meals are delicious and definitely family friendly.

Thanks for all of your support!

3 Responses to Skinny Mom

  1. Jillian416 says:

    Thanks so much Ginny!!

  2. Kelly says:

    When I first went vegan, I has mega cheese cravings. I didn’t think I could do it, bit after a few weeks, they subsided, and now I don’t even remember what most cheese actually tastes like (outside of Daiya or Teese)

    I’m so glad you found a veggie burger you like! I enjoy so few commercial veggie burgers that I’m always hesitant to recommend them to anyone.

    Best of luck. I’m truly excited to see how your adventure this month goes.

    • Jillian416 says:

      Thank you, Kelly! I’m super excited!

      I think the best part for me, is that I am experimenting with more foods. I never realized how many different veggies there are and all the things you can do with them. Exciting stuff!!!!

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