Baby Book

When we first brought Emmett home from the hospital, we realized that we didn’t have some of the things that would be most helpful for a 4 day old baby so Seamus went out to buy what we needed. One of his stops was at Target, where he found THE most perfect memory book for Emmett. It’s a “just one you” brand by Carter’s, here’s a similar version since they don’t seem to be making the monkey one any longer but I did find the same version on Amazon.

baby-bookIn keeping up with this blog and other life events, I just haven’t had the time to fill out the baby book. Obviously I don’t want to forget any little detail because I’d love to eventually have it completed for E baby, so I’m going to use the different “fill in the blank” sections as prompts for some blog posts. Then I can always print out the post and paste it in his book when I find time and I won’t have forgotten anything.

The Day of Our Engagement

The Day of Our Engagement

The very first prompt is, “all about mommy and daddy,” “how mommy and daddy met.” Well my sweet boy, your momma and daddy met in a rather nontraditional way, we met through Momma had joined for only a month, to see who was online with maybe the possibility of a few dates but nothing serious happened in the first 30 days. The day AFTER my membership ended I received an email from someone, who in his pictures was handsome and whose profile was interesting, so I rejoined for another month so that I could see his full email and get his contact information. Your dad and I emailed back and forth for a couple of weeks and spoke on the phone to get to know one another and eventually met in person. We were both pretty smitten with one another right off the bat and spent a lot of our first date talking and flirting.  Momma spent a good chunk of the date talking about which vegetables she likes cooked and which vegetables she likes uncooked. Super exciting, right!? 😉 Your dad still picks on me about it to this day but it’s all good natured fun.

I really enjoy telling the story of how we met, so when you’re older I’ll tell it to you in more detail.

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