Sorry, this is late (again), life has just been out of control lately.
Amount Lost:
I don’t know whether this was due to my eating or the fact that I had a terrible stomach flu but I’ll take it!
Amount Remaining to Lose:
Goals for 12/7/2012 – 12/13/2012:
Food Goals:
- Continue consistent tracking for all meals
This has not gone well but I’ll give myself a slight pass since I was sick and didn’t eat anything for probably about 36 hrs and then once I was eating again, it wasn’t much.
- Measure or weigh out all food so that I’m eating only 1 serving of foods
I did a good job of weighing out and measuring all of the food I did eat.
- Pack and bring lunch everyday except Friday
I was only at work for 1 full day due to myself being sick and then Emmett and that day was Friday, so I didn’t need to pack anything for the rest of the week but I did eat at home.
Fitness Goals:
- Earn 10,000 steps on at least 3 days
This didn’t happen, in fact I had my lowest step day last Tuesday. I only took about 500 steps because I slept all day. lol
- Do at last 3 other workouts
Also did not happen.
- Swim at least once
Another thing that did not happen.
Goals for 12/14/2012 – 12/20/2012:
I’m only giving myself two goals for the next week, eat reasonably and walk LOTS! I want to be able to enjoy myself and not restrict but I also do not want to gain, so I will do my best to be as active as possible.
Merry MERRY Christmas!