Friday Fitness

Amount Lost:


Another fantastic Weigh-in!!

Amount Remaining to Lose:


Food Goals:

  • Continue to track all meals!

Tracked everyday except for today and that is because I give myself the day off from tracking once a week so that I do not become overwhelmed with “writing down” everything thing I eat.

  • Find a new recipe to make with Seamus

We found a new recipe but we  are holding off on making it until after Thanksgiving because it is a Thanksgiving-like crock-pot meal. I’ll share it after we make it.

  • Continue to slowly make the switch from processed foods to whole foods

I made a very conscious effort to buy more vegetables and to actually eat them and I plan on rolling that into next week. I still struggle with cutting out frozen lunches because I have so little time to make a lunch that I go for something low fat and and fast but I don’t want to beat myself up too much over this. I’m making the journey slowly but surely.

Fitness Goals:

  • Get in extra steps!

I’ve been parking farther away from the door at work and when I go to stores. I’ve been take the extra walk during the day to fill my water bottle in the cafeteria instead of just the nearby water fountain. It feels great to get up and move more during the day.

  • Complete at least 3 workouts.

I only did 1 “official” workout over my steps. I need to start working harder at this goal.

  • Find time to do some stretching breaks throughout the day. It feels good and assists in the recovery of sore muscles.

I can check this one off! I have a great stretching routine that I am doing at least twice during the day. I do it right after I finish pumping before I walk back to my desk. It’s really perking me up and putting an extra pep in my step.

Goals for 11/16/2012 – 11/22/2012:

Food Goals:

  •  Continued consistent tracking
  • Eat sensibly on Thanksgiving.

No need to be a pig but no need to be completely restrictive either.

  • Increase my veggie by 2 additional servings a day, this will put me at 5 a day.

Fitness Goals:

  • Continue to fit in more and more ways to get in added steps throughout the day.
  • Get in 3 workouts
  • Continue with my stretching breaks.

They make me feel good, so why quit!?

What are your goals for the next week?

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