Results for 11/2/2012 – 11/8/2012
Amount Lost:
1.4 lbs
I felt so great when I stepped on the scale this week!
Amount Remaining to Lose:
122.6 lbs
Food Goals:
- TRACK! Track Track and Track some more! I did a really great job of it this week, I want to continue on into next week.
- Keep on packin’ that lunch. I’m alright with going out to lunch one time, on Friday.
- Make healthy and mindful choices.
- Since I purchased a yoga mat yesterday (and it should be arriving Monday), resume practicing of yoga. Yay!
- Continue to try to get at least 10 minutes of movement in 5 out of the 7 days.
- Stick to my workout schedule. I’m only asking for 3 days for 30 minutes a day, this go around. I can do it!
I worked out twice. My yoga workout I mentioned above and also a brisk walk. Not 3 but I am heading in the right direction!
Goals for 11/10/2012 – 11/15/2012:
Food Goals:
- Continue to track all meals!
When I am consistent with my tracking it eventually becomes a hobby and becomes second nature. On top of that, being mindful of what I am putting into my body helps me eat better.
- Find a new recipe to make with Seamus
- Continue to slowly make the switch from processed foods to whole foods
Fitness Goals:
- Get in extra steps!
I purchased a FitBit and it’s really motivated me to walk further to work towards making 10,000 steps a day. In the past week I’ve begun parking further away from any place I’m going into and I’d like to continue this and maybe add in some walks during the day at work. Quick walking breaks around the building.
- Complete at least 3 workouts.
- Find time to do some stretching breaks throughout the day. It feels good and assists in the recovery of sore muscles.