What a wonderful rainy, gloomy Tuesday!
I loved that when I woke up with Emmett at quarter to 6, that I heard the rain. We had a phenomenal sunny and warm summer and now I am ready for the chillier weather that Autumn will bring.
Breakfast this morning was pretty much the same as yesterday.
Zucchini Cornbread Quiche – Today I added cheese for no other reason than I LOVE cheese!
1 whole tomato
glass of OJ
Once I return to work, Emmett will need to be taken care of because unfortunately we cannot afford to be a single income family. E will go to day care on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, Tuesdays his Aunt Bridget (my baby sister) will watch him for us and Wednesdays I will be working from home.
When Bridget suggested she watch E one day a week, back when I was about 6 months pregnant, I thought she was joking around but she was very serious. She worked with her college adviser and created a schedule that gave her one day off a week, which worked out to be Tuesdays. We are so grateful for this because it will help save us $50+ a day by not having to take E to day care on that day.
Since college started almost a month ago and I still have not returned to work, Bridget has come up to visit us on Tuesdays since she has them free anyhow. It’s always nice having Bridget come up because while she’s playing with E, I can shower or get some things done around the house. It’s also great because it gives Emmett the chance to get to know his Aunt Bridget before just being left with her when I return to work.
It looks like Emmett is saying, “No more pictures, please!”
Emmett was in a pretty good mood while Bridget was here, so she got to spend some quality time with him. He has days where he is very cranky and is constantly blowing off steam but not today, today was a good day! There were coos and wiggles and lots of love!
So how about you, who did or will care for your child/children when you return(ed) to work?
I was so lucky to have daycare in the hospital I work at for the first year. Grandma Lorraine comes up Mon and Tuesdays, and now Ian will be going to daycare W-F as I just got a new job, starting on Monday. Tomorrow is his first day at the new place, and I am just as nervous as I was before. Anxiety is a biatch.